26 1 0

I was wearing the best suit I had. Of course, to impress the woman I have love all my life. I can't control my emotions. I was so scared; a feeling I felt the first time I dated her. Erick prepared the best foods for our dinner and my son didn't knew she is coming. I want to surprise him. The night blew cold wind but then my whole body was warm or should I say hot.

"You got a date?" Nicky ask. He was not comfortable wearing his little suit I bought earlier. I just nod to answer him Yes and then he rolled his eyes.

"Are you prepared?" I ask. Making sure everything is under control.

"We are over prepared."

Oh yeah. My son was right. We are over prepared. The suits, the lighted candle dinner date and a beautiful music to be a background is beyond perfect.

I became more nervous seeing that 5 minutes from this moment she's going to be with us. My sweat is dropping down and I keep wiping it with my hanky.

I can't stay comfortable knowing that she's coming in any moment. I keep myself calm like what my buddies told me. The feeling is like having a dinner date for the very first time.It takes me back to the time where I first asked her to have a date with me years ago. That's one of the best moment of my life that I want to remember forever.

Then she enter the entrance. She was still the same woman I felt in love with. So beautiful.My feelings was still there and nothing in her have change except for the weight she loses.

"Let's eat first," I offer her when I drag the chair so she can sit down.

"I don't need to spend hours talking to you-" I cut her.

"Because your boyfriend is outside waiting for you?" I ask.

She nods.

It hurts to know someone is being there for her. How I wish it was me and not someone else.It makes me wonder why she idn't come back to where we stay when she escaped at Jackson's hand. Is it really her plan or there is something more than that.

"You owe me long explainations Taylor. And I don't fucking care is he's outside."

She sighs. I can see through her eyes that she wants to settle everything down but there is something that she hides. A thing that I want to uncover. A thing that I want to know.

"We don't need to make things complicated-"


"Nicholas, please respect-"

"Respect your decision without letting me understand whats going on around?"

"It's not-"

"No! It was."

"Please Nicholas."

"If I didn't search for you then you will never tell me about Nick?"

Her face was shock. She look at me eye to eye without blinking.

"Nick. Our child. He is with me all this time. From the moment Jackson died. And like me. He was longing for your love and care Taylor," I said. Holding her hand so tight. She take it back. Look around and a tear fell down her check. "I don't know what's your reason why you have to leave me but please let's fall back together. Start a new life with Nicky and be happy like before."

"We can't." She answers me. And yes I know she meant it. "Where is my baby?" She ask. Wiping her tears.

I look at where Nicky was standing and wave my hand. He come running and hug her mom. They both break down and cry.


"Oh my Nick."

I stand up and leave the two of them alone. My hert was crashing down. I don't know what should I do to take her back. 

"Hey bud! So you have talk?"

"A lil' bit. And it's confusing."

"Is there any problem you want to share with?"

I look at Erick. I know he knew that things are worst than he could imagine.

"She said no. She don't want me anymore. And she thinks it will be more complicated."

"Bud, cheer up. So how about your kid? Is he going with you or with her?"

Erick's question was left unanswer at my mind. I can't think straight. And I will never allow my kid going with her if she will live with her boyfriend. I want him with me and no one else.

I go back to our table. And I have seen my kid so happy. And so she was.

"Are you taking him away from me?" I ask her directly.

"I want to take Nick with me but not now. I need to talk to my fiance first," she answer me. And hold Nick tight in her arms.

"Please, don't do that to me, Taylor," I beg. "He is the only thing that makes me happy now. So don't take my happiness away."

"I can't promise you that. He is also my child."

The night ends up so bad. I was driving home so sad. Even though Nick was with me. I know one day he will be with her mom and I'll be alone again.

I can't take her back. But it doens't mean I'm giving up. I know that she has still that love for me and maybe she was not yet ready to face me and start a new life with me. And I am willing to wait even it takes forever. 


:) It was raining hard here in Philippines. I think it was already a Typhoon and not just a Low Pressure Area. It's been raining for how many days with strong winds. 

Anyway, I have a slow updates on my chapters since I don't have my own computer and I am a busy mom of two. You know. I'm a proud young single mom. But I have still time to write and enjoy what I am doing, of course it is writing.

If you have questions, comments and suggestions. You know exactly what to do. Don't forget to give me a star. or follow. and recommend.


mwaaah mwaaah mwaaah mwaaah !!

Like We Used To (Nick Santino)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя