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“First time?” I ask him, while we park at McDonald’s parking lot. He nods. “Want to come with me and choose your foods?” I ask him.

“No, I’ll stay here,” he answers me.

“I’m going to grab spaghetti, chicken, burger, fries and a lot more,” I boasted. “You like that, bud?”

An excitement to his face makes me smile. I know it’s kind of fun for a kid like him, to eat such foods.

I happily get inside the store and fall in line like the other customer. I am wearing my glasses and a cowboy hat so it will be hard for them to recognize me.

Every now and then, I take a look to the boy who was left alone in my car. He was behaving and looking up at the giant McDonald face above the establishment. I pity him so much for not experiencing a life he should have.

Once I got my order I hurriedly left the store excitedly.

He crawls down to the driver sit to open up the door. I pass to him some foods and he inspect what’s inside the bag.

“We will eat all of this?” he asks me, his eyes widen with excitement.

“Of course we will. Who else will?” I answer him.

Since it makes him uncomfortable to stay inside the store, I decided we can eat inside my car. I do understand why he eats greedily, of course it was the first time he had that kind of meal aside from that, he was so hungry.

“Easy bud,” I say, he chokes from the non-stop food eating and hand him over his drink.

“I love how the chicken tastes,” he happily says while chewing.

It’s good for my feeling that I have given a little kid an opportunity to eat such kind of food. It’s really rare for me to help some kids like him, not because they are disgusting but I just can’t grab them n the street and feed them. A person like me should be very extra careful with all my moves, except for today.


last update for today. some parts are needed to be edited and to be read again by me. so, keep cool.. wait for my next update, maybe tomorrow or the next day. thanks!

Like We Used To (Nick Santino)Where stories live. Discover now