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A hard knock on my door scared me, it was Erick, screaming my name. I opened up the door and he pushed it and that makes me almost drop on the floor. I closed the door gently and followed him walk hurriedly on the living room.

"You must see this!" He laughed like losing his mind while putting his laptop on top of my coffee table. "I made this last month! And it work! I just don't know how to trace the sender! I think I found her! This is genius! And you will be shock on what I discover! You better be ready! Be ready Nicholas!" I don't really now what he was talking about but I just listened to him.

"I order some Tacos for us bud," I said.

"I don't care about that. I care more about this," he said and showed me a photo on his laptop.

"Where did you get that?" I asked him without taking out my eyes on the monitor. "Is that her?" 

"Bud, come sit beside me," he said.

It was Taylor, though she change her hair and she lost a big chunk of her weigh, I could tell it was her, I could feel it. I scanned all the pictures. It was really her and her brother. A tear fell into my eyes. I wipe it out. I'm glad she was alive.  The entire picture was a stolen shot. So it means something's not right going on.

"I made that facebook account a month ago," Erick babbled as he was eating his tacos.

"A month ago?" I asked him, making sure I heard the right thing he just said a few minutes.

I looked at him and he nodded to answer me yes. "It was a page that I called, Finding Taylor."

"Why do you have to do this?" I asked.

"Bud, I know facebook can help a lot, many people uses it as a platform to asked help so I just tried it. So I posted some photos of her in that page. Put some information on the day she was lost. Even her real name. And an hour ago someone sent that pictures to me."

"But-" I'm about to protest but he cut me off.

"I'm sorry. I didn't ask your permission to do that. I am just concerned about you."

"Thank you."

"Me, Justin and Andrew really cares a lot for you and for Taylor. That's why we are trying to help you secretly."

I don't know my best friends are doing something to help me too, I thought they're not bothered by that since they always encourage me to let go and move on, and knowing that they are helping me, means a lot to me. 

The sender of the photos is anonymous, the person used a dummy account and we can't even traced the IP address, so we couldn't ask where he/she got the photos. The only thing I could do now is it to seek help through Police, I worried about asking the media, because it might lead to her hiding again away from me.

Like We Used To (Nick Santino)Where stories live. Discover now