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Mom doesn’t talk since she saw Nicholas. I don’t know what’s running on her mind that moment. While dad was happy knowing I have a son.

“Mom, I’m sorry,” I apologize. We are in the dining table having our dinner. It’s better to talk to her while we are on the table than letting things get worst the next day.

“For six years you never told me about this nick,” she says. Her tone is angry and she never looks at me. I know it’s really disappointing but I can’t d something about it since I just knew just a few days I got a son.

“Just be happy, old woman,” dad says. Winking at me to assure that everything is under control. I just smile, putting carrot salad into my mouth.

“How can I be happy if I almost died a while ago?” my mom ask dad in a higher tone.

“I thought you read the news or see it in the TV.”

I look at Nicholas who was sitting on my side. He was starring at mom without touching his foods on the plate.

“Is there something wrong?” I ask, lowering my head into his height.

“She doesn’t like me,” he answers me. Nicholas look at me, disappointed too like mom was to me.

Mom stop eating and look at Nicholas, dad did the same thing too.

“I lost Taylor 6 years ago, I mean I lost my son and Taylor six years ago, mom,” I start. I lean back on the chair and look at them.

“What happen to her?” dad asks.

“Someone kidnapped her dad. I didn’t know we got a son. I hired detectives and then just a few days ago, I knew that I have a son. Nicholas was abandoned in the street in Washington 5 days ago by the man who I knew a brother of Taylor,” I answer, then tears running down my cheeks. It hurts telling the things that had happen to us. The pain can’t be defined.

Then I sob. I can’t control my feelings anymore. The pain was back again. Then I feel a warm hand place at my back, rubbing smoothly. I look up and saw my mom. I hug her in her waist and cry there.

“I’m sorry my son,” I hear my mom says. I can’t find the exact words to tell her, all I know is I want to cry it all out not minding anything that moment.

Like We Used To (Nick Santino)Where stories live. Discover now