**** for the readers ****

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Hi guys from around the world .. This is not an update but a kind of message for you ..

What motivates me to write another story after my "Trip To Your Heart"? Well, at first, it was kind of boring knowing you have a few readers. I envy a lot of writers here who wrote just one chapter and then the reads boom to 1k+. But those stories, I just noticed that the characters are rounding on ONE DIRECTION guys. I'm not a hater of them, it's just that, what a boring wattpad. So, if I'm going to write a story about one direction then I'm pretty sure readers will read it. Comment me if I'm wrong. Yet, I don't have to be one of them, I mean to write stories about one direction, it's too much. Wattpad was over populated with their presence. So, I don't care if few readers will read my stories because now I know that their are only few readers here who get interested with other characters and not just focus on one direction. :) PEACE OUT DIRECTIONER!

Guys don't forget to spread out my stories, fan me, vote me and free to talk to me .. I need new friends and of course ideas.

love you! mwaaah!

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