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It was the Fifth birthday of Justin’s son, Carl. Of course, they will not allow me to miss it. I am not comfortable of seeing other kids; it makes me think of my own son. But what can I do, Carl requested me to come.

Maybe I was busy too much on my work before and neglect on Taylor, that’s why I didn’t knew she was pregnant. This is the most tragic that had happen into my life. Worst is, I can’t tell my family what I am going through because it will make them worry about me and to my son. If only I can trail Jacksman so easy, maybe I can propose him something like buying my own kid and Taylor yet it wasn’t that easy. He was aware that he was a wanted man and it triggers him to hide in the place that no one will ever know.

“Uncle Nick!” Carl calls out. He was carrying my gift to him.

The little guy sits beside me and smile.

“Daddy told me you have your son. I wish he was here so we can play this toy car,” he sighs.

“Maybe one day he will,” I reply.

“Don’t get sad, Uncle Nick. You will see him again,” he says, encouraging me.

When his friends call him, he say goodbye to me and run towards them. And I see Andrew walking towards me handling two bottles of beers. I chuckles and he shrug. I know I need to unwind and let go of a few messy circumstances in life sometimes and it’s good to drink some beer.

I grab from Andrews’s hands the beer and drink half of it.

“It taste good,” I asserted, looking at the bottle of beer.

Andrew nudges at me. Well, it was the first time he hears me praise the beer. I always said to them before those alcoholic beverages are not good to the health but it taste well now. Perhaps it was the effect of the chaos on my life.

I look at the kids running around, playing, laughing and eating. They have a nice perfect life while my son was out there, scared, alone and helpless. How I wish I can hold him and comfort him in my arms.

“How does it feel now you knew you’re a dad?” Andrew babbly asks me.

I smile. Maybe he just wants me to feel like everything was fine. How can I answer his question when I knew myself that I didn’t been call as a daddy yet. Or I never take care of a son.

“It really sucks to be a sinister dad,” I blurt out. I drink the other half of my beer.

“Bud, it’s not your fault,” he chimes in. I look at him and he frown.

“I really thought that it’s enough to work hard to earn, I forgot that I have to care about Taylor and ask her if she’s okay. I thought she was just fine because she regularly tells me what happen to her everyday but that thought was wrong. And it was too late to correct it,” I shrieked, blaming myself of what had happen to Taylor and my son’s life.

If I been not too busy on my showbiz life before, maybe both of them was with me now and Optimus Prime is running around in Anna’s garden playing with the kids. I made my own life miserable, it’s my entire fault.

After the boring day at the birthday party, it was time to part with my buddies. With that party I have realize more how stupid person I was and thanks to those balloons, cakes and the noise of the kids. It was all that made me realize that.

“Can you really drive?” Anna ask, worried about me.

“I am Nick Santino! I am tough!” I scream, laughing.

“You drink too much,” Justin reminds me.

“I’m really fine, buddies,” I assure them.

I drank too much but I can still drive way back to the apartment. I can’t sleep at other house, I need to go home. What if Taylor and my son was waiting for me there, and they will leave the place if I didn’t come home? So, I should go home, no matter what happen. Ever since she was gone, I always put into my mind to go home no matter what happen.


I'm busy editing some parts of the story guys thats why it took me long to update. :) I do a lot of editing for you to be satisfied.

I'm glad my 1st story hit up to 140 readers "Am I Just A Special Friend?"

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