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My mornings are bad for the past 6 years of my life. I been craving with the breakfast she always prepare for both of us. It’s never been good to wake up realizing you’re completely alone and no one greets you a good morning thought. The morning that I usually want to was vanished in just one click of my fingers and it may perhaps gain another year or years to regain it once again.

The smell of delicious breakfast turns out to be the thing I miss when my clock starts to alarm. There is no her preparing it or no notes left at the table when she left the apartment early. Those are little memories but still I want it.

I pour cereal and milk into the bowl, walks into the living room, turns on the television and sits in the couch. That’s how boring my mornings are. And no one wanted to live like that except for me who never cares how bad my life is right now. I don’t want to prepare my own food and I used to run to Erick’s place when I am hungry, I hate cooking for myself. Why should I cook for my own? It would not please me or whatever.

Sleeping at night and waking up in the morning is the hardest part of my life. 


Made this filler part for about 20 minutes .. And I love this part ..

Like We Used To (Nick Santino)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz