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The police operation was on going. I was watching from inside my car while they break in into Jacksman’s house. I feel so much scared inside of me. The police was in full force and everyone was expecting we can catch Jacksman and rescued Taylor, Samantha and Optimus Prime, too.

After how many minutes I saw the police walk out the house and talk to Detective Gabby. I can see in his face the disappointment.

“Hey Nick!” my fiends chorus, calling me when they saw me get out of the car.

I didn’t listen to them. I run towards the police. I should know what’s going than sitting inside the car and wait for Detective Gabby.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“They have left the place,” Detective Gabby answers me.

I run inside the house and search for Taylor. Maybe there is a secret room in the house and they are hiding there but there’s nothing. I walk fast to Optimus Prime’s room and find some dry blood all over. I search all over the place and see a necklace under the bed, I grab it and when I knew it was Taylor’s necklace, I scream to the top of my voice and sobs.

“Nick,” Detective Gabby calls me out.

“No!” I bawl.

I drop myself on the floor again, knees bend and hands holding the necklace press on my chest. I can’t take it, it was painful to accept the fact that Jacksman escape.

I bow down and punch the floor releasing my anger. I was so numb to feel the pain.

“Nick! Nick!” my friends chorus and stop me from what I am doing.

“Bud, calm yourself,” Andrew declare.

I just continue sobbing not thinking how many people was there listening to me or watching. They don’t know how hurt it was for me to lose someone who is so dear. I even lose Optimus Prime and it makes me worry more. What if Jacksman starve him to death and he will do the same thing to Taylor. I don’t want to see their breathless body one day.

I was driving fast back to Erick’s place and I haven’t talk to anyone. How can heaven so cruel to me, it’s only one thing I ask, to return Taylor to me. It wasn’t as hard as someone praying to be rich, it was the easiest that I ask from God but why he can’t give that to me. I kind of lose in believing in His existence.

Now, back from the scratch. I don’t know where to search for her. No trace of Jacksman again. I feel like my mind was partly died thinking where they could they be.


3 parts added .. the best shot ii could .. edited for how many times since last night .. i am still not continted uys :( .. did ii fail you ??

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