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I lay down in the bed after taking a hot shower. It was 1 pm in the afternoon but I don’t have any plans going out.  Things are not better and it gets even worst as I expected. Though my life is falling apart, I have to stay positive and strong for her.

This room was once filled with so much love and cared from her, but now, all I can see is gray. It became lonely since the day I lost her and that’s what happens to my life too.

As I move facing the side table, my eyes caught the picture of us place under the lamp. I grab it and watch her angelic face as she was smiling. I wonder if I could still see her smile and feel her love again. I put it down and sigh, how I wish I am superman to fly to where she is and take her home with me.

Her situation for now cross on my mind, as what Detective Gabby told us earlier, she is now mentally ill. I sob again on my pillow and cry loud as I could.

Six years have been passed and those years, I mentally killed myself a hundred times just to forget her but then the more I do that. The more she lives in my mind. And I guess she was thinking of me too that’s why she keep visiting me in our memories.

I wipe my eyes and get up from the bed. I’m extremely worried about her and I just can’t wait until plan b is set. I am not as firm as anyone but I want to prove myself that I can do get her in my own ways. I don’t care getting killed. How that jacksman can kill me if I was already dead and take away my heart.

Looking at the mirror in my bathroom reminds me of her again. I close my eyes and let the memories drag me again at the past.


“Nicholas, shave your beard,” she suggested, pulling the shaver out from the cabinet.

“I’m going to obey you but come quickly give me kiss,” I giggled.

I saw here walk towards me and kiss me on the lips then wink at me.

“Do it now or I’m going to bald your head,” she whispered and hand me the shaver. I laugh and hug her so tight.


I am used to live with her and I want to take back my life the way it was before. I don’t care if she was mentally ill, I can send her to any institution that can cure her. I don’t care how much will it cost, all that matters is to give back her life.

Like We Used To (Nick Santino)Where stories live. Discover now