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It’s almost 5 hours after I was staying in the hospital. My buddies are on their way, they will travel 3 hours more before arriving at the hospital. Detective Gabby just left to check some of the police station and report what happened. I was alone with my son. The silence kills me.

I was too tired and lie down my head beside him and one hand holding his. Then I drift off to my sleep.

I don’t know how long I slept. I was awakening by the movement of my hand. I slowly open my eyes and groan. I snap my head left and right then stand up to grab some water in the fridge. Then someone hold my hand back.

“Buddy,” a voice calls out, giggling.

I pause for a moment. Then slowly turn my head to my hand, he was holding it. I turn my head counter clockwise and see him smiling at me.

He was awake!

I panic, run outside and scream for doctors. That’s crazy but then that what the doctor told me if he wakes up.  I run back to him, check if his pulse are working and touch him if he is warm.

“I’m fine,” he confirm, giggling. I let go of a sigh and calm myself for a moment. His eyes are very awake and I’m sure he had a nice dream while he was in his deep sleep.

“Sorry,” I apologize. That’s really shameful.

He looks around and smiles.

“You like it?” I ask. Then I wonder what I should call him. He nodded. “I bought that all earlier when you are still asleep.”

“Thank you,” he said. I grab his toys and give it to him. “Very nice toys.” He compliment and start examining every part of the toy car and also the remote control.

I just watch him play it and stay near the half open door. Then the police make way for the doctor. She smiles at me before walking towards my son. He put his stethoscope on and listens to the sound of his heartbeat and asks a few questions about his feelings. Then she smiles and walks over to me.

“How is he?” I ask, a little bit worried.

“Nothing to worry about. He is fine but still need a bed rest,” he answer me, confirming his conditions.

“That’s good to hear,” I say, having a relief on my chest.

“You can take him home after the next day,” she informs me.

“Thank you,” I gladly say.

“My pleasure,” he replied. I look at her walk out the room.

When the door was shut close, I move myself to my son, walking in slow pace. Now, I have to start explaining to him why I was there and who am I. It was really hard to find the first word to say since I don’t even know how to call him. I can’t call him Optimus Prime or buddy but Nicholas was far better yet I don’t know if I can mention my own name.


156 READS are better than nothing .. ii hope there will still readers out there who will get intrested with my story. that will meant a lot to me ..  

my eyes are swelling now .. ii am editing here ..

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