A Fluffy Fatt-gou

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I smelled from a distant,

How the odour were to converge,

So enticing a smell to bait,

People are coming to the kitchen to search.

What is that familiar smell,

I asked my mother why,

She said enthusiastically to all,

Just wait,

the cake will soon be ready.

Is it Ma-lai-gou,

I asked my mother again,

My mother asked me to go,

To join the cousins to read the new manga magazine.


Here came the clock ringing,

My mother asked all to come,

And savour fatt-gou and dimsum.

Fatt-gou was tasty,

Not too sweet for the soul,

I ate,

while I listened to a rhapsody,

And particles within me wouldn't run foul.

We enjoyed the high tea,

Somewhat in a house on the sea,

That was our life in Kukup,

Which was right below on the Malaysian map.

(There are more chapters after the ads)

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