"Hey, what's going on with your friend?" Daehyun stopped in front of Dohee just as she was about to leave the building.

"What do you mean exactly?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"One moment, Jieun is such a hoe for Yongguk, and then she completely drops him. So what's up with that?"

Dohee sighed, "Well it's obvious that she likes him, right? But I don't know. Maybe she's too scared to admit it."

"But why? All she has to do is tell Yongguk that she likes him and they can go out. It's so easy."

"I don't know! Because she's stubborn and crazy? I don't know what's going on in her mind."

"So how can we fix this? Yongguk is acting like Jieun just tore up his heart."

Dohee shrugged, "I don't know if there's anything we can do. Jieun is going with Taehyung and Yongguk is going with Seunghee."


On the night of the dance, Jieun slipped on a white and gold dress and waited downstairs for Taehyung to pick her up. Stepping into the living room, she was bombarded with camera flashes.

"My daughter is so pretty!" Mrs. Song exclaimed, continuously snapping pictures.

"She's growing up too fast." Mr. Song followed along, hitting the shutter button on his phone.

"Thank you, but please don't act like this when my date comes." Jieun requested. After a few more minutes, the doorbell rang, and Jieun went to answer it.

She opened the door with a big smile and looked at Taehyung. He wore a black suit, white button up, and gold accented neck tie. "Hi."

"Hi. You look so beautiful." Taehyung looked at her in admiration. "Are you ready to go?"

Giving a nod, Jieun tried to step onto the porch, but not before her parents got to meet Taehyung.

"Hold on Jieun, we want to say hi." Mrs. Song pulled the two back inside and shook Taehyng's hand. "Hi I'm Jieun's mother."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Taehyung."

"So this is your date?" Mr. Song looked down at the boy with an intimidating stare. Taehyung gulped nervously, but soon, the look on Mr. Song's face changed. "What a nice looking boy. I thought he would be a troublemaker, but he doesn't look like a troublemaker at all."

"Thank you, sir." Taehyung laughed and Jieun's parents immediately liked him. After taking a couple of pictures, the two teens were finally able to head to the dance.

"You have everything, right? ID, keys, money?" Mrs. Song called out as Jieun walked to Taehyung's car.

"Yes mom! Bye!"

"Remember, your dad and I are going to drive down to visit relatives tonight, so we'll see you tomorrow!"

Jieun gave a last wave before getting into the car.

Arriving at the venue, Taehyung linked arms with Jieun as they made their way through the rest of the attendees. "Oh I see my friends over there. Wanna meet them?"

"Yeah, sure." Jieun replied.

As they walked across the room, Taehyung's unlinked their arms and switched it up by placing his hand on her waist. The two finally stopped in front of three guys who had their backs faced towards them. "Hey guys."

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