Ghost x Toast (legit)

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(This is not a joke I honestly felt like writing something legit again)

Also suicide warning sorry no one dies relax

Toast silently sat in the passenger seat of the car, gazing out the window as he drifted into his own thoughts. He didn't even realize his boss was speaking to him, until his name was called.

"Johnny, Johnny, are you even listening?"

"Huh... O-Oh! S-Sorry sir, what were you saying?"

Ghost sighed, glancing back onto the road. "We got a call from a guy saying that his old beach house had paranormal activity... Something about weird noises coming from the house."

"Oh, right sir..."

"Is something wrong Johnny? You haven't been yourself lately."

Johnny hesitated, thinking of what he should say.

"Just tried, sorry sir..."

Ghost hummed softly in response, deciding not to worry about it. If something was wrong, he knew Toast would tell him... They were best friends... Sometimes he wished they were more, but he knew it wasn't possible. He was happy the way they were now, and we didn't want to lose that.

The rest of the car ride was silent.

When they finally arrived, the investigators were surprised at the size of the beach house. It was large, making Ghost frustrated.

"Ugh, it's gonna take all night to search this entire house!" Ghost groaned as they stepped out of the van.

Walking to the back of the van, Ghost gabbed two flashlights from the trunk, before walking up to his partner.

While handing the flashlight over, Ghost noticed that their fingers brushed over each other, causing Ghost to blush slightly, before quickly pulling away, avoiding making eye contact with Toast.

"Right, u-uuh... I-It looks like we'll have to split up if we want to finish before the night ends..."

"Alrighty sir. If anything goes wrong, we'll meet up at the van." Toast said in a surprisingly chipper attitude.

Ghost smiled at the change in attitude in his friend. "Good plan."

Inside the house had a fancy interior, with old fashioned furniture and fancy paintings hung up on every inch of the walls. Sand and dust managed to cover most of the objects in the house, and it looked as if no one has used the house in a while.

"This place is massive... Alright, Johnny, you take upstairs, I'll take this floor."

Before Toast would say anything, Ghost was already making his way into one of the rooms.


It had been almost an hour, and Ghost had already found the source of the paranormal activity. It happened to be the toilet toucher that was causing the noise, and found him haunting one of the downstairs bathrooms, and he kindly asked him to leave the house.

Ghost was just happy to be done so quickly. He couldn't wait to reunite with Toast so they could go home. Although it was only an hour, he missed his partner...

"Crap, I need to stop, Johnny is just my friend..."

Ghost started walking up the stairs, looking for where his partner might be. Knowing Johnny, he was probably taking a nap in one of the rooms. Ghost laughed at himself. He suddenly snapped out of his thoughts when he stumbled upon a glass door, that looked to lead to a balcony, and on the other side of the door looked to be a figure of a person.

Opening the door, he found his friend standing by the balcony railing, looking out into the view of the ocean. Ghost sighed in relief, "There you are, I took care of the ghost, it was just the toilet toucher, he-"

Ghost stopped, seeing his partner wasn't paying attention, and that tears were rolling down his face. He immediately turned all of attention on him as he made Toast face him, "Oh no, what's wrong?! What happened?!"

"N-Nothing sir..."

"No, it's not nothing, what happened? Are you hurt? Did you-... You... You weren't planning on... jumping, where you?"

Toast didn't respond.

Ghost let it sink in for a moment. He placed his hands on the railing, feeling like he might pass out.

His friend was going to...

"B-But, Johnny... W... Why...? Why would you do that to yourself, to me? Do you know how lost I would be without you..?"

Toast didn't look at him, answering coldly. "You'd be okay..."

Ghost snapped, tears starting to form in his eyes as he looked up at his friend. "No I wouldn't, Johnny! I wouldn't know what I'd do without you! I would be losing my friend, my best friend!"

"You'd move on..."

"No! Johnny, look at me! If you were gone, I'd be losing someone I... I... care about the most..."

Ghost suddenly noticed that his hand was placed above Toasts, blushing slightly in embarrassment, but decided to stay calm and leave it.

"Johnny... Why didn't you tell me..?"

"I thought you'd hate me..."

"I could never hate you Johnny! Never! I love you!"

Ghost immediately gasped, realizing what he just said.

He looked over at Toast, shaking as he watched Toasts eyes widen.

"You... You do..?"

Ghost sighed, "Y-Yeah... I-I know that's probably the last thing you want to here, but it's true... I'm sorry Johnny, I don't know what-"

Ghost was suddenly interrupted by a pair of lips crashing onto his, and a pair of arms tightly wrapping around his waist.

The kiss barley lasted a few seconds before Toast broke it, and buried his face into Ghosts shoulder.

"I love you too..."


Yes I wrote something tell your friends woooooo

I rushed at the end cause I'm tried...,

Wow why did this turn sad???

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