+21. Halloween Special

Start from the beginning

"A-are you ok?" I stuttered, still shaken up from the first jump scare.

"I didn't know there were going to be clowns in here. Eww.." Jieun mutters into the back of my shirt. She takes a big sigh and tells me to keep going.

We continue to walk with her arms still around my torso and every time something scary pops up, she squeezes me around the waist. I place my hands over hers and I resume leading.

Normally, the zombies would approach us from the front, but during the middle of the haunted house, a zombie snuck up from behind and grabbed onto Jieun's shoulders.

Jieun gasped and ran in front to hug me.

My arms hovered over her as I smiled to myself, finally feeling like the more confident one.

But surprisingly, she started to giggle. "Oh god, that was so scary. Let's keep going."

She started walking ahead of me now. Welp, there goes being the hero.

I trailed behind her and when she turned around, her hand shot out towards me. I stared at it for a while and I assume she was waiting for me to hold it. I grabbed on, and this time, Jieun was leading us through the maze.

"I think we're almost at the exit." Jieun said as we saw light in the upcoming hallway.

We started walking towards it, when all of a sudden a group of zombie clowns come out of nowhere and chase us down the hall. Jieun squeezed my hand tightly as we ran away.

My heart was beating so fast, but we finally hid behind a wall and watched the clowns run right past us.

Jieun placed her hand on her chest to calm down her breathing, but since my hand was still intertwined with hers, it was also on top of Jieun's chest, feeling her fast heart beat.

I stared into her eyes, well the best that I could in this dark room, and I couldn't help myself from overthinking. She is really different from any girl that I've ever met and when at first, her personality was intimidating, but then I really started to really like her. This may not be the best time to confess, being in a haunted house and all but...."Jieun, I--"

My confession was cut short when we heard heavy footsteps coming towards us. The zombie clowns found our hiding spot.

We ran again and didn't stop running until we hit the exit.

She looked around for Dohee and Inseong, but they must have still been inside the haunted house. I offered to go buy us some water after running that marathon.

"Yongguk, were you saying something to me while we were in the haunted house?"

I froze, during a mid sip of my water. "I-I don't remember..."

I'm so stupid.

Jieun nodded and drank some of her water too. Maybe today won't be the day I confess. But in future, I'll probably have more confidence.

"Irene is having a Halloween party this Saturday. You're going to that, right?" Jieun asked.

I've heard of Irene's party. The kind that everyone was invited to. But I haven't really been to a party before, so I didn't plan on attending.

"Will you be going?"

"Of course. I love Halloween and dressing up. You and Daehyun should come."

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