The Final Twenty-Four | 29

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But, she hasn't been acting like herself these past couple of days.

As far as N.W.A., we finally released "Niggaz4Life" last year in May.

Dre is still serious about leaving the group and starting his own label with Suge Knight. He wants out of his contract but it's not happening, not anytime soon.

And, I have been thinking a lot about going back to church. I can't remember the last time I've been because I'm not the church going type, but it's worth a try.

I felt my pager vibrate, and it's from Tracy.

She had my baby two years ago, and that's exactly what I need. Eighteen more years with with my delusional ass ex. She wants to know if I'm interested in meeting the rest of her family for the sake of Erin.

Absolutely the fuck not.

New City Church Los Angeles

"Tomica you look so beautiful today. As always."

"Thank you Sister Patterson," she smiled. She hasn't said a word to me all morning. She's been so distant and I don't know why.

Maybe she's still mad at me for having a baby by Tracy. We've already talked about it once and she said that she's okay with it.

Tracy and I are done. But we have to have some sort of relationship for E.B, and that's it.

"Are you okay? Can we talk?" I questioned.

As usual, she ignored me. I decided to come to church this morning for her. It's never too late to turn my life around.

"Eric just sit down and enjoy the service okay."

"Amen," we said in unison while Pastor James continued to preach.

"How are you today Miss Woods? You look
so beautiful as always. And is this your boyfriend?"

"Thank you. And yes, this is Eric."

"Nice to meet you Eric. You are a very handsome young man," she smiled.

"Thank you."

"Encourage your faith by using what Paul said. He says 'and let us not grow weary in well doing.' He said 'for in due season you shall reap if you faint not," said Pastor James.

He continued." What I'm trying to tell you is that our mighty God is faithful. And in his faithfulness he reminds us that in doing good, you shall get weary. You know what? There's no sin in getting weary. The sin is giving up."


"You're so close to your blessing. The blessing that God has in store for you and only you. There's about to be a manifestation of God in your life and now is not the time to throw in the towel and faint, or give up. You need to lift up your head and hold on because something's about to happen in your life and God's gonna ensure it."

"Amen," I said to myself.

"It's okay to feel like you're about faint. That's how you know you're so close to your reward for walking righteous. Church you better hear this, I'm telling you something. When you feel like you're about to give up and faint, don't faint. Because you're so close to your miracle and blessing. I'm talking to those that walked into this church today that are about to give up and lose faith in God. I'm encouraging you, keep the faith. Stay right there, hold on. God has a plan for you."

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