His hand reaches to adjust the volume on the dashboard and my ears perk up when I recognize the song 'Ghost' playing softly through out the car. My head swivels around to look at him with narrowed eyes.  "You like Halsey?"

He glances at me before pulling out of the parking spot, his eyes focused on the street in front of us now. "Yeah. Her music is good. Plus, she's hot."

I roll my eyes. "Course that's what you say."

He doesn't respond but I catch the indent in his cheek at the very small smile that appears on his lips for a split second. I don't bother making an effort to create more conversation, staring out the window instead as I listened to the lyrics of the familiar song. My lips mouth the lyrics as it plays and for a moment, I forget all about Harry in the car with me. My mind wanders to Zack and the times I would always play this song along with the rest of her album whenever we hung out in my room. He'd always give me shit about the kind of music I liked, whining until I turned it off. It was something that had bothered me but I ignored it, blinded by the love I had for him. Or thought I had for him. I wasn't even sure what I felt for him was really love. I've got nothing to compare it too.

My lips stop moving when the song suddenly changes and I look over to see Harry changing the song from his phone. "Why'd you change it?"

"Cause I can hear you singing and it's fucking annoying."

"Has anyone ever told you, that you're fucking rude?"

"All the time sweetie." He grins, green eyes briefly flickering to me.

"Well doesn't that bother you at all?"

"Nope. I stopped giving a shit what anyone thought about me a long time ago." He says nonchalantly. I'm slightly curious as to what exactly lead him to stop caring but I don't ask. The less I knew, the better.

I don't say anything back and I'm so relieved when Harry turns into the garaged parking for his apartment complex. I practically throw the door open the moment he stops the car, hurriedly sliding out and closing the door behind me. Harry is holding a look of amusement and purposely slows his pace getting out the car, making it obvious by exaggerating on slowly closing the door.

"You're so immature."

He grins, letting the door slam shut. "I just like annoying you."

"Glad I can entertain you." I say humorlessly while impatiently tapping my foot. He smirks at me and locks his car, my mind wondering how he could afford it. It was nice and I almost, almost asked Harry if he were rich or something but quickly stopped myself. I didn't care. He and I were not friends and we never would be.

He didn't bother telling me to follow him as he lead me to the back door of his apartment, pulling out a key and unlocking it. He pushed it open and walked right in and up a few stairs while I hesitantly stepped in and closed the door behind me. I hurriedly walked up the stairs behind him and stopped when I saw that we were in his living room. I barely recognized it, the last time I had been drunk and not paying enough attention to the details and the next morning I was too annoyed to stop and look.

There was a brown leather couch sitting on one side of the room across from a flat screen TV. A mahogany coffee table sat in the middle, two other leather couches on either side of it as well. A black rug was beneath it all, and my eyebrows raised in surprise at the fact the place was so clean. I had definitely expected Harry to be the messy type.

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