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Hey guys!! *waves* 

This is my new short story inspired by the manga 'Rozan Maiden'! A very good Manga, but WAY TOO SHORT!!! XD Please enjoy, I'm not too sure if I'm going to make it gorey/horror; I'll decide when I write more. 

Thank you and happy reading! 


~Sheep Grl ^.^

PS: VOTE!!!! ^ more votes and i've reached my goal; 50!! VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! XD

"It is the way of men to make monsters; and it is the nature of monsters to destroy their makers."- I think its from the game F.E.A.R, but im not sure...


Like most things the curse was created with good intentions. 

The curse was created for life; but to sustain such life, death was needed to keep the balance. The girl, who was crafted into such a creature, did not ask for her fate. Who would want an eternity inside the body of a porcelain doll? 

At a whim to her owners, the life sized doll with a human soul could not escape from wherever fate decides to place her. Sometimes she believed that these people were her punishers, the curse an ailment... 

She hoped for death. 

Every minute she spent inside the hollow shell of the doll, had her wondering why God had not yet freed her from her beautiful cage. How could such a mighty God let this poor girl suffer because of the stupid choice of a man? 

Was there no God to hear her pleas? 

Was the man - The Doll Maker - God? Is that how a seemingly normal person could create eternal life? Why would he do such a thing?  

The girl pondered this every day.  

What had she done to deserve such a dismal fate? Had she been a bad girl when alive? Or stupid enough to befriend the monster...  

Although her memories of life were slowly slipping away, she knew she would never forget The Doll Maker. Even if she tried; no one could ever forget such a haunting face.  

He was beneath her skin; fragments of his mind. He had left her long ago now, like many of her owners, but he would always exist inside her. She was the only thing that left word of his futile existence. 

Now, she ceased her cries for retribution, coming to the realisation that no God was coming to save her. Now, she cried for revenge...

The Doll Maker's Curse [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now