TDMM: Chapter 2

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I'm not sure if wine existed in the middle ages, but it is in my book! :) Thank you for reading the last chapter (unless you skipped to this chapter. If you did so go to the last chapter before I HUNT YOU DOWN!!!!), I'm really happy that people actually read it!! XD Also, if you haven't already PRETTY PLEASE WITH BIG RED CHERRIES ON TOP can you read The Doll Makers Curse??????? PLEASE?!?!?!?!?!?!?


~Sheep Grl

His heart withering, he fled to the only place he knew would accept him:

The winery.

There he drank away his sorrows, downing bottle after bottle of red wine. With him, a few drunkards danced and sang together in confusion and glee. The atmosphere, even with the dark cloud that surrounded every man, seemed light and relaxed.

Next to The Doll Maker was a peculiar man.

He wore peasant clothes, but by the way his body shone as if he washed daily, drew the men in like he was a King. He spoke very sophisticated and clear, showing his superior education. His charismatic words had them hanging on his every word, and soon every man was to the point of begging for his attention.

"Hello?" He tapped the Doll Makers shoulder - whom was extremely drunk and angered. His face heated a vibrant red, as the man waited for his reply.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" The Doll Maker spat at the man, who swiftly brushed the disgusting liquid from his shirt like it was the finest silk.

"I know about your daughter..." The Doll Makers eyes widened in shock, as the man stayed still. His black, soulless eyes pierced through The Doll Makers swirling mind, rummaging through memories until he found what he wanted.

He immediately drew away, as he needed nothing else.

"What do you propose?" The Doll Maker ceased his drinking, pulling his glass away from his stained lips.

"What would you give to have your daughter back...?"


At the end of the Church, I stood and watched them drag away the 'insane' child as she kicked and screamed. Her skinny arms flailed, trying to hit surrounding men who lifted her into the air.

She got what she deserved.

I smiled as she thrashed past in the men's muscular arms. Her eyes were shut closed, her mouth open wide as she screamed to her distressed parents. Their hands covered their frowns, their eyes blood-shot from crying.

The girl had resisted and the Church did not appreciate that. The girl had resisted me and I did not appreciate that. She was a stubborn little bitch, she deserves her fate. She wasn't insane; in fact she was the sanest of all of the ignoramus towns’ folk.

As her eyelids opened wide and she turned her head to meet my eyes; her beautiful curls brushed against her skin with the movement. She looked betrayed and confused; as she should be.

She was a stunning human. Dark brown ringlets twisted down her sides and reached her tiny waist, her skin was pale like porcelain and her eyes were a dark blue that held such power that one stare could incapacitate you.

I had to get rid of her. Her presence was too compelling and I could not resist her much longer. She would make such a fantastic doll... I had already started making it.

I had stitched its dress, using material exactly the same as what she had worn the first time I met her: her pink dress, with ruffles at the cuffs and the high neck line. Looking at the dress, waiting to be filled brought malicious smiles to my face.

"Help!" she wailed, tears falling down her cheeks.

The men tied her hands and feet together, laying her onto a wooden carriage. The men whipped the flanks of the horses and they sprinted out of the town. The stunned community watched as the carriage slowly grew smaller and smaller into the foggy distance.

A tense silence filled the air around the people; never would they expect such a beautiful girl to be mad. Why would they? Why should they?

"Doll Maker..." A demon appeared behind me, his talons curling around me shoulder.

"Yes my master. "I kept my gaze steady, straight ahead.

"You made the wrong decision; you defied Satan's wishes and now you must pay. But not now…Not while you are still useful to me. What you can be sure of is that I will kill you... Understand?" He hissed his voice silky. My eyes widened.

"I-I understand."

With my whisper he fled.

The Doll Maker's Curse [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin