TDMC: Chapter 4

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Firstly I'm sorry if the grammar/spelling in these last chapters have been weird, I haven't gotten them edited or proof-read them cause I'm lazy!!

Thanks to everyone reading this!! XD I looked today and it said it was #24 in horror!!! OMG!! Something low in the short-story section too! Thanks for supporting and reading my TDMC!!! Yay!

KEEP ON READING PLEASE!!! The end is nearing....

~Sheep Grl

Tortuous experiments sought out below. The screams, so loud yet never heard. The imprisoned mad-men feasted on rats they found skittering across the ground, they live in agony.

She wondered how could she succumb to such a wicked scheme.

Was she mad? Was that why she was here; locked in a tiny cellar to rot away to dust? Why must she watch the torture of his enemies? The wonderful toy maker was not so wonderful anymore. She saw through his trusting smile.

She could see the world through herself, sitting as a doll upon the Doll Maker's shelves. She wasn't in the asylum--she was locked away in the Doll Makers basement, unmoving, unbreathing; only seeing. She watched him bring other young girls down the stairs--dead, breathing, sometimes stumbling--and snatch away their breaths and spray the walls with blood.

And then, in an instant, the doll made in the child's image would shoot up; almost like it was possessed. Their gorgeous eyes would radiate a vivid, flurescant colour, before the colour died. Then, they would be sat along the shelves just like an ordinary doll. 

Each were so beautiful, reminding them of herself. How she used to be; so beautiful and inhuman with her porcelain like skin and cherubic features. Her long brown hair twirling down her chest, her crystalline blue eyes... they had all been dulled and destroyed by the cruel treatments of the asylum.

The only thing that all the dolls had in common, other than their undeniable beauty, was their eyes. Each had a set of perfectly painted eyes, in sets of wonderfully vivid and inhuman colours. They almost looked real, maybe they were...

Didn't Mama say that eyes were the gateway to the soul?

"Ms, we have come to help you."

Suddenly, the girl was torn away from the eyes of her doll self. She was back in the stark white, padded room of isolation. She turned her head to where the white door was being opened, and a man and woman emerged with matching dead-pan expressions.

The girl knew she could not take anymore of their cures. Drilling holes in her head, attaching leeches to her skin to suck her of all her prestigious blood, and beating her to attempt to remove her madness. It wouldn't work. She wasn't mad, she was cursed.

She screamed in an attempt to unguard them, flailing her limbs in the hope they'd be too lazy to deal with her. 

"No! NO!! Don't touch me!"

They grabbed her bony arms, pulling her from her feet and pushing her through the door...

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