Mr. Sex

850 33 15

May 23, 2015

- Freddie's POV -
Julia had gotten the flu. It wasn't just an "oh, this is a 24-hour" type of thing, it was a full on flu where she was convinced that she was dying. Since Julia was so sick, Jim had to take Emily out of the house- he took her to Ireland, I told him to get a hotel but he left the city with my baby. He didn't tell me that he was going that far away until the day before he left- idiot.

Since Julia was so sick, she had to sleep in my bed with me- she said that it was the only thing keeping her from dying. I didn't mind, I liked watching her sleep- well, I had to watch her sleep so she wouldn't choke on her own vomit but that was a part of parenthood, right?

I brushed a stray strand of hair away from Julia's forehead then I felt it for her fever- it was an awful fever. She was cooling down a bit and I was relieved. I took out the thermometer and she went down a whole 4° overnight- we were getting better.

To: Baby Daddy 😏😍
Julia's fever dropped 4°. Come home soon- bitch.

I sighed while I shut my phone off then I rolled back onto my side and I held Julia close to me. She grunted in protest but I squeezed her so she couldn't move.

My phone buzzed so I quickly rolled over and I grabbed it- I couldn't take too long, she'd roll away.

From: Baby Daddy 😏😍
I love you, Bugaboo

He was starting this weird nickname thing and I couldn't tell if I liked it or not. It was sweet of him but I wanted to be Duckie.

From: Me
Just you and me, honeybee ❤️

I giggled while I sent the cheesy message then I put my phone on Julia's pillow- she wasn't using it so my phone could.

"Are you ever going to wake up?" I whispered while I kissed Julia's temple.

"No." My daughter groaned while she rolled over to face me. "I'm sick, Mummy." She frowned while she rubbed her stomach.

"Maybe you're having a baby- are you giving me a grandchild already?" I poked her neck and she laughed.

"I'm too sick to be pregnant." She giggled, weakly, while she held my hands away from her body. "And I'm too lonely." She added, quietly.

"What about Thomas? Haven't you two started dating yet?" I asked while I played with her hair.

"No, we haven't spoken since Brian brought them over." Julia yawned while she snuggled into my chest.

"Does Mummy need to plan a play date?" I smirked and she laughed- it was the first time I had heard her laugh since she had gotten sick.

"That sounds disgusting." She scrunched her nose up and I giggled while I kissed her warm forehead.

Julia snuggled into my chest and she just relaxed there- she hadn't thrown up yet, which was a good sign, but she was still complaining about her stomach being upset.

She got up after a few moments and she slowly hobbled into my bathroom.

"Do you need help, baby?" I called while I heard the toilet seat being flipped up.

"I uh, I don't know." She called back. "I can take care of myself for now." I sat on the end of the bed and I waited for the, all too familiar, puking noise.

Julia started groaning and I honestly felt so awful- I couldn't do anything to help her stomach and she was in so much pain. She wasn't really eating anymore so there wasn't anything for her to throw up.

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