Chapter-25 The One With The New Decision

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Two months later.

Abeer's POV
"Yayy soon we all will be getting our MBA certificates."- Rachel said excitedly.
"I know right! our hard work is finally going to pay off."- Mark said sarcastically swiping off the sweat from his forehead and then gave a cheesy smile.

We were sitting in a cafe and discussing our future plans.

"I am gonna look for a good job as soon as possible."- Rama said.

Rama is one of the most hard working student in our MBA class. He came all the way from India on his parents insistence.

"Coming from a lower class family and seeing my parents struggle for money has always been a prick to my eyes. Still my parents worked hard just to get me here and now it's my time to give them their peace of mind."- Rama said. His eyes had become moistened.

"You are going to make your parents proud Rama. They are going to be extremely happy to see your success." I smiled and said to Rama.

"You know their should be a movie of your name. "RAMA- The Obedient Son"- Mark said dramatically and Rachel and I gave him a deathly glare and he raised his hands up in defeat.

"So what are your plans Abeer after MBA?"- Rachel asked smiling.
"Probably getting married."- Mark smirked and I rolled my eyes at his comment.
"Reallyyy???"- Rachel asked showing out her bright 32 teeth.

"I haven't decided anything yet. Maybe I will go back to Dubai, to my parents and let them decide for me."- I said making a pout.
"Uff typical brown family. Get married, take care of the house, have kids again and again."- Rama said in his tamil accent and I loudly chuckled at his comment. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Comeon Abeer, You are not one of them. I think you should stay here and do something for yourself. Look for a job, get some experience and then you might be able to do something for others as well."- Rama advised me.

He has always be against typical brown family life styles. And he has always wished to bring a change in them. May be now he will be able to do something. Change the thinking of people in good.

"Okay boss."- I saluted at Rama's advice and he rolled his eyes.
Mark and Rachel chuckled at my action.

"Now can we eat something? I am starving!"- Mark said with a pout on his face and rubbed his hand on his belly.

His action reminded me of Summi and Maliha. God! I miss them.

Haroon's POV
After the meeting in the conference room, I decided to rest for a while in my office.
Keeping my head on the head rest of the chair, I closed my eyes.
I could clearly see her smiling face, her mischivious eyes, her nose which she used to call a pakora (fritter), her cuteness, her anger, her grumpiness, her heart melting face she makes when she is sorry and...and her.....Tears..

I suddenly opened my eyes realizing that I saw her again making me restless.
It's been 6 years Haroon and it still feels that she is here with me.....near me..
But no She is not....she has moved on in her life and so have you! You have a family to look for!!
Grab yourself together Haroon....Get over her!!!

I never thought that I will be seeing her again and that too like this, pale and defeated.

Knock! Knock!

Suddenly there was a knock on the door bringing me out from my train of thoughts.

"Come in."- I ordered.
"Good Morning Sir."- In came Martha, my assistant of 54 years old, with a smile and a cup of coffee in her hands.
"Here is your black coffee."- Martha kept the coffee on the table and said with a smile.
"Thankyou Martha."- I returned the smile back.

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