Chapter-11 The One With the True Face

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6 months later.

Haroon's POV
It's been almost one year since I am a part of this university.
I see Abeer every now and then with her friends laughing heartily. I don't know in these past few months what magic she has done on me. I feel complete just thinking about her, it makes me smile at her red tomato face whenever we have eye contact, but she immediately turns her face away from me and she will look anywhere but me.
She feels slightly uncomfortable when ever she is near me since that day.

In these past few months her friendship with that Stefen guy has also increased, and I do not hesitate in accepting the fact that I am a little jealous.
Moreover I don't like that Stefen, I feel he is not the right guy. May be because of my jealousy but what so ever!

I am now on way to the class of BBA-3 and I feel slightly happy because I will get to see Abeer after one whole week.
I must say Abeer is a very hard working student, she has shown great performance in her mid term exams but she just loves to talk and not to answer my questions.

I entered the class with my usual smile and everyone stood up in respect. My eyes were searching for Abeer and there she is, sitting with Angraiz Billa.
I ignored them and started with the class.

I was explaining the lesson when my eyes went towards these two. Simply busy in chit chatting and laughing lightly. They both were making chits and passing to each other.
What are they doing? I was boiling with anger looking at both of them and it made me feel insecure, Abeer laughing with another guy other than me.

But why will you make her laugh? And what makes you think Haroon that she will laugh at your jokes? She doesn't like you, get this straight!
Whatever! I don't like seeing both of them together!!

"You both! what is so funny? Would you like to share with all of us?"- I said to both Abeer and Stefen, anger boiling within me.
"Umm...nothing Sir"- Stefen said innocently.
Vadda aaya bhola shareef.

"Mr. Stefen come and sit here, on the front seat. I would like to keep a proper eye on you."- I said and Abeer looked at me abit shocked, maybe because she never saw me this angry.
"Ahh Mr. Haroon I am sorry for the disturbance, I won't do it again."- Stefen said as he scratched the back of his neck embarassingly.
"I SAID COME AND SIT HERE RIGHT NOW! I want to continue with my class, If you don't have any interest in my class then GET OUT!!"- I said, my voice loud and harsh and then there was pin drop silence.

Stefen finally came and sat at the front seat and Abeer hung her head low.
She is sad upon separation with him?? What a girl! I mentally sarcastically clapped at her reaction.

Abeer's POV
Stefen and I usually sit together during classes because we enjoy each other's company. We are nothing more than just good freinds.

He is actually a good guy and a great friend. Maliha and Summi also enjoy spending time with him.
He has actually proved himself to be a helpful friend, he helps us with our assignments and presentations. He is not at all like other guys, he respect girls and is just a gentleman.

I and stefen were passing chits to each other, he is such a funny guy and his never ending jokes.
I couldn't help laughing at his jokes although Mr. Haroon's class was going on.

I and Stefen were busy passing chits to each other when Mr. Haroon's voice startled me.
"You both! what is so funny? Would you like to share with all of us?"- Mr. Haroon said to both of us.
"Umm...nothing Sir"- Stefen said innocently.
"Mr. Stefen come and sit here, on the front seat. I would like to keep a proper eye on you."- Mr. Haroon said and I was shocked to see him angry.
Keep an eye on him? konsi chori ki hai isne bhai?

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