Chapter 46

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Matt's POV

I walked straight out of the counsellor's office and straight to my car. I was so pissed at Lucy, she'd called Chloe on purpose, trying to cause trouble and I know she succeeded, I just knew Chloe would be pissed. She was already pissed at me for Sunday, but this was likely the final nail in my coffin.

I drove straight to Chloe's. I needed to sweet talk my way back in her life. I didn't want to lose her, yes we had a few problems, but honestly, we could work through them together. Chloe meant a lot to me and I'd realised that over the last few days. Chloe was like my other half, she completed me.

"Dear god." I groaned as I pulled up at her house. I was crazy about the girl, as frustrating as she was, to me she was perfect and I wouldn't change a thing about her.

I got out of my car and walked to the door, ringing the bell.

She opened it and she was mad, her face, I thought she might have a stroke at the sight of me. She tired to shut the door but I pushed my way in. She was like a firecracker and she was going off. God, she was fucking beautiful and as she said her usual how dare I, I couldn't help but smile at her, she was just so Chloe.

While she was yelling at me I couldn't help but look at her, god she was so mad and all I could think about was kissing her. So I did.

It infuriated her even more, but only for a minute and I relaxed when I felt her respond, it would seem she was giving me a second chance after all.

She was upset that I'd gone to marriage counselling and she had every right to be, but when I mentioned, Harper, her daughter she looked shocked but agreed to talk about it.

"Now." I murmured, holding her to my chest. "Let's have a coffee and sit down and talk."

She nodded, pulling away and wiping her face. "Okay."

I followed her into the kitchen and watched her make us coffee. God I was glad I made the decision to go to rehab, to sober up, now I had a clearer perspective on everything and I'd met Chloe. To me that was the most important thing, yes being an alcoholic had ruined my life in many way's, but I was fixing it and I was getting there, but being an alcoholic had led me to Chloe.

"Here." She said turning around and handing me my cup.

I smiled, taking it off her and following her into the living room where Lucy was sleeping on the recliner, basically taking the whole thing up.

She sat down on the couch and I sat next to her, watching her take a drink of her coffee.

"So." I said softly, looking at her.

She took a deep breath. "So, why, why did you go?"

I knew she was talking about the counselling and I wished I'd never gone. "Honestly Chloe." I said softly. "I just want to keep things amicable between Lucy and I, she'll use the boy's against me I know it." Chloe opened her mouth but I held up my hand, silencing her. "I'm done Chloe okay, with Lucy, it doesn't matter what I do, she'll never be happy so it's time for me to see a lawyer."

She nodded. "You have right's Matt."

"Yeah I do." I said. "And she will not keep me from my boy's."

"Good." She said softly.

"Yeah, look Chloe." I said taking a breath. "I'm only interested in you, you're what I want, you're who I want standing next to me, you're who I need in my life." And that was the truth, all of it. "I want you to need me too Chloe."

"I do." She whispered and then I noticed the tears on her cheeks again.

I put my coffee down, grabbing hers placing it next to mine, then I pulled her to my chest, holding her.

"So." I whispered, kissing the top of her head. "Tell me Chloe, everything."

She nodded against my chest, taking a deep breath. "All the stuff I told you is the truth Matt." She said quietly. "I just left a few details out."

"So, fill me in." I said, holding her close.

"Well like I said I drank everyday, I'm not making excuses for myself, but Drew was the reason I drank, I never felt good enough." She took another deep breath. "Well somehow I wound up pregnant, I couldn't believe it, I was actually pregnant. Anyway, I gave up drinking that day, I didn't touch another drop while I was pregnant and then my baby girl was born. Harper, she was so perfect."

Chloe fell silent and I realised she crying, so I held her, giving her time.

"Anyway." She said sitting up and wiping her face. "I was so happy, I had my baby girl, everything was great, I wasn't drinking, I didn't need to drink and then it started again. It didn't matter what I did with Harper according to Drew or my family it was wrong or I wasn't doing it good enough, anything I did was never good enough for them and it never would be." She told me. "So I started drinking again, in secret, well so I thought, I just wanted to be a good mother, that was all but they wouldn't even let me do that."

I leant over, I didn't say anything, I just kissed her, offering her encouragement to continue.

"So I wanted to be a good mother Matt, I really did and I realised I had a problem, a big problem so I went to my Mother and Sister, who I might add I did not know was sleeping with my husband. They all got together and organised rehab for me." She said softly. "It was twelve weeks, twelve weeks and I could come out and be the mother I wanted, so I agreed. Mom had me over one night, they got me drunk, put the paper work for rehab in front of me and got me to sign it."

"No." I snapped, looking at her. "They didn't." What kind of people were they?

She nodded and wiped her cheeks as tears began to fall freely. "There was a paper in there that I signed, I've seen it Matt, I signed it, I signed custody of my daughter over to my sister. I gave away my daughter and I was to drunk to realise."

"Oh god." I whispered, holding her tightly. Chloe had been through so much and her family, the people you're supposed to trust, rely on, had done it all to her.

"She doesn't even know who I am." She whispered. "I've wanted to tell her, all the time, but would it be fair to her?"

"Maybe." I murmured. "Maybe not, but she is your daughter."

I held her for a long day, sitting on the couch, letting her cry. Chloe had been so strong and so tough for so long that she needed to have this cry, she needed to let it all out.

I sat there, kissing her, whispering to her, but the whole time I was doing it I was cursing her family and thinking of a way to fix this for Chloe. I was seeing my Lawyer tomorrow and it looked like he was going to get two custody cases. Chloe deserved to see her daughter and I was going to make sure she did.

"Do you want some lunch?" Chloe eventually asked, after her crying had died down.

I smiled and nodded. "Sure." She nodded, returning my smile, but to me it looked sad. "Chloe." I murmured. "I'm here, I'm staying here, I'm here for you Chloe, you have me, you have all of me."

I watched her face fall again and I pulled her back to me as she started crying.

"Thank you." She sobbed.

I meant it. I meant every word.

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