Chapter 43

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Chloe's POV

I don't know why I agreed to go to the party, I knew from the start it would be a bad idea and of course I was right. From the moment we arrived it was awkward. I didn't belong there anymore and as far as I was concerned they weren't my family, the didn't deserve to be my family and they certainly didn't deserve a second chance from me. I don't now why Matt insisted we go, but he proved my point, the reason why I stayed away from people, the reason why I never told anyone my business.

We sat there, Drew was a dick, my Mother was trying to overcompensate, my sister's ignoring my existence and Harper throwing and tantrum. I couldn't have been more pleased when Matt told me we were going, honestly I couldn't get out of there fast enough, there were too many memories and most of them unpleasant.

We all piled into the car and that's when it began. Matt ignored me, he ignored me all the way home and then when we arrived at my place he just pulled up, telling me in a flat tone he was spending his day with the boys.

Fine, he could spend the day with the boys, I didn't care what the fuck the asshole did, but he sure as shit wasn't welcome back at my house again.

I walked up my path, let myself in and then hugged Lucy. At least she loved me and she accepted me, flaws and all, flaws that had been put there by other people.

"I told him." I said to Lucy as I got changed. "I told him my family wasn't right and he acts all high and mighty when he see's it for himself."

I knew I shouldn't have told him anything and I was glad I hadn't told him the full story.

People like Matt were the reason I didn't trust anyone. They just discarded you when you were no longer of value to them.

Well fuck him, I wasn't giving him a second thought and I didn't, well I tried not to and I spent the rest of the day laying around with Lucy relaxing.

After dinner I sat back to watch a movie when my phone rang. My heart jumped into my throat and I was disappointed in myself for hoping it was Matt.

"Hello?" I answered softly.

"Babe it's me." Clay said and I felt disappointed.

"Oh hey, how's it going?" I asked him, petting Lucy who was staring at me.

"Actually this time around we have a pretty quiet bunch." He went on to explain. "All pretty well behaved."

"Well it's a change from last time." I muttered, remembering the nightmare it was.

He laughed. "Yeah well anyway I called because Bruce wanted me to find out if you're in for the next cycle?"

"Are you?" I asked him. "Staying there, to avoid Carmen?"

"Chloe don't start." He snapped.

"Why not." I muttered wishing I could tell him about Carmen's overdose but due to patient confidentiality I couldn't and it killed me, I wanted him to be accountable for his actions.

"Are you coming or not?" He asked, sounding pretty pissed.

Did I want to go in for another twelve weeks? I know I'd said before that I was done with it, that I was never going back, but now, I mean why not, it's not like I had anything to keep me here.

"Yes I'm in." I muttered listening to him laugh excitedly.

"Good." He said. "I'll come by when I get out, see you soon babe." And he hung up.

I sighed, putting my phone down and then looking at Lucy. God, now she was making me feel bad.

"You'll be okay." I said hugging her. "You know you get spoilt when I'm away." And she did, she was well looked after.

Well at least I had something to look forward to now, I could get away from here, away from my family and away from Matt.

Matt, just the thought of him made me angry. How dare he ,honestly, how dare he worm his way into my life and then do this.

God I was just so mad and as I got ready for bed I got even madder, so mad that by the time I actually got into bed I was crying.

He made me so mad and god, he'd hurt me and that was what I hated the most, the fact that I'd put myself into the position to be hurt again. I was so stupid and I should have known this would happen, but no more, it would never happen again.

I eventually cried myself to sleep, which was better than drinking myself to sleep because that's what I really wanted to do, drink myself into oblivion, but I didn't, I stayed strong.

I woke up in the morning and my mood was bad, worse than yesterday and I went to work, feeling sorry for my co workers because I knew I was unpleasant to be around but I didn't care, if anyone had a problem they could blame Matt.

Matt, argh, just the thought of him made me mad. Why would he do this to me, convince me he was there for me and then fuck off the moment things got tough.

"I'll be back in a minute." I snapped to Maggie, over the top of a patient with a fractured arm.

"Where are you going?" She asked, raising her eyebrow's at me.

"I'll only be a second." I snapped back at her, I had something to do and I wanted to do it now.

I turned and I walked out of the ER, straight to my locker, grabbing my phone.

"Fuck him." I muttered to myself, dialling his number.

I stood there listening to it ring and I wasn't surprised when it went to voicemail, he was probably with his wife, where he fucking should have been in the first place.

"It's me." I snapped into the phone. "Chloe, I just called to say don't you ever show your face around me again, who do you thing you are? You sweet talked your way into my life and then you do this. I am done." And I hung up, feeling much better.

Only I didn't, I didn't feel better, he'd hurt me, he really had. There was no explanation, nothing, he just dropped me off at home and that was it.

I was done, I really was.

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