Chapter 9: First Date

Começar do início


"Seriously?You're such an idiot! Its a term of speech, dumbass!"


I can't believe  I'm actually acting this guy......

"By the way I'm not going to a date or anywhere with you."

He then pinned me down on my bed staring at my face,smirking. Now this is a position that would be misunderstood if someone walks in.

"If you don't get up and get ready  I'm gonna kiss you~"

No thanks.

"Fine. Get off me."

He did what I say and got out of my room.

After I got ready wearing a black tank top and navy blue  jeggings with my hair on a side. I make my way down stairs and see my mom and Dragneel talking........WHAT?!

"Oh, mom this is-"

"Natsu your boyfriend, I know!"My mom replies glitters and stars in her eyes.

"Has she been spending time with Mira?"

"I'm so happy for you!"


"Yeah he's my boyfriend." Oh god help!

"Since that's already done we don't have to continue the plan anymore?"

"What plan?"

"Don't worry, now you can go to your date!"

Natsu's P.O.V

I got to admit that she looks so stunning without her nerd get up but damn.She is sizzling  I can't help but admire those orbs of hers without those thick glasses and her golden blonde hair flowing freely no secured in a tight bun. Don't even get me started on her curvaceous bod- STOP THINKING PERVERTED THOUGHTS!!!

"You know you like it ~"

After we make our way to my car she then ask,

"Where are we going?"she looks pretty pissed, I think I shouldn't have woken up early.

"Where do you want your first date to be?"

Well I'm not a creepy stalker. Her mom told me when we were talking.

"How di-"

"I'm physic." Lol I'm a genius.

"I'm pretty sure my mom told you."

"What! How did she-"

"I'm physic." She replies,  she used it against me.

"Just kidding, I'm pretty sure my mom almost told you the story of my life while I was getting ready, she just excited."

"So where?"

"Oh I want it in super fancy five star restaurant then a walk on a white sand beach and watching the sunset the go stargazing at a cliff."

My mouth drops open then she....... laughs?

I thought she was gonna insult me and look at me lowly but she suprised me by saying,
"Just kidding........ You'd think I would want that.......I just want something simple." She says still laughing a bit.


Then I drive us  to a nearby bakery. It was a nice place with nice food. It was really relaxing here. We grabbed some toasties and hot chocolate cause it's way too early for ice cream.

We then sat on a bench eating, silently. It was pretty awkward I would flirt but I'm guessing now isn't the time since I woke her up early.......

"This is awkward. " she says bluntly.

She then continued by saying, "Let's make this not awkward by getting to know each other, like question and answer, we take turns."

"Is someone interested in me that much~"

So much for not flirting but I guess it's a part of my playboy attitude.

"Are you still asleep Dragneel because you're dreaming. I came up with this idea because we should at least get to know each other cause your my 'boyfriend'." She says her face in frown.

Why does it feel so right when she says 'my boyfriend'....... I like the sound of that.

"Whatever my lady says, then I should start asking, What's your favorite color?"

"Sky blue, you? "


"Favorite food?"

"Anything spicy."


"So that's why she smells like strawbe-HOW DO I EVEN KNOW WHAT SHE SMELLS!"

"Hobby? "

"Sports,to be more specific basketball."

"Wow you actually know the word specific?!.......Reading."

"Not suprised, you're a nerd!"

'Did i just insult her?'

I was expecting her to slap me and go karate mode on me so I started apologizing.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend  yo-"

Then I hear her laugh, her angelic laug is music to my ears.

"It's fine, I'm not offended." She says smiling at me......SHE'S ACTUALLY SMILING AT ME!!!!I FEEL SO HAPPY!!!

I then gave her a smile back.

After getting a few more questions asked and answered she suddenly blurts out,

"Why don't we have a,me race to that lamp post loser gets to buy ice cream."

"You're on."

I then realized something.......
Lucy's actually fun to be with.

After the date ended I figured out that.....

I saw a new side of Lucy.......

I lik-no I love it when she actually doesn't despise me.......

I think it wouldn't be bad making her my girlfriend for more than a month......... or even make her my- never mind.........

I'm just really happy to see her smile when she's with me......


End of Chapter


Thank for Reading!!!

Authors Note:

Sorry for not updating lately I broke my phone and we're moving houses. And the wifi is literally not working (I'm at a mall)



Blackmail From The Playboy(NaLu)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora