Twenty Five

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"So its true?"  I listened to the voice of Jason coming through the receiver of my phone and felt the knot in my stomach become a little tighter.

"He dropped it almost two weeks ago Harp, I thought he would have told you."  I could hear the concern in his voice but I waved it away, not caring to have his pity.

"I thought he would have too."  I said in a whisper and sighed, adjusted my legs on the couch.  "But thank you Jason, for telling me when I asked."

"Anytime. I'll see you this weekend."  Ending the call I attempted to pick up the book I had with me again, but found that I was more staring at the page thinking then reading.  This couldn't really be happening to me...

Finding that I couldn't even focus while Peyton was sleeping. I told my mother that I would be back, that I was going to the stable, and took Ivory out for a hard ride.  Trying to clear my thoughts I found it was pointless. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got.


Looking for my sneakers I searched around my room, checking under the bed and in my suitcase.  I knew I had just worn them a couple days ago, but they were nonexistent as I looked for them now.

I wanted to surprise Harper with a visit knowing that Lucas was now in school, hopping to maybe draw her mind away from it.  It was definitely something she was fearful as as a mother, and I wanted to maybe see if I could help her out on the Ranch.

But my damn sneakers were no wear to be found.

Sighing I ran my hand through my hair.  I could just go and get another pair, but they would show up right after that I was sure.

I sat there and pondered what I was going to do when something caught my eye.  There in the corner of my bed, wedged between the frame and wall I saw something silver and bulk. Reaching down I pulled it out to find that it was a belt buckle.   Two Ivory horses carved into the plate of it.

It was Harper's belt buckle. 

Running my hands down and over it I thought about the night she was here.  It was the only way she could have left it here.  And it was my excuse to head over to the ranch.

It was lame in my mind, but the smile that over powered my muscles shown in my face as I drove.  I was so lost in thought that I couldn't hear my phone ring, and when I saw that I missed two calls I waited for the caller to call back.  Driving I made sure to keep my eyes on the road.  When it rang again I picked it up.

"Caleb here."

"Caleb, why, isn't it good to hear from you."  I cringed as I heard her voice and instantly regretted picking up the phone.  I had been avoiding her for weeks.

"Why hello Melissa, how are you?"  She tisked, knowing that I didn't really care.

"Caleb, you have to return to work.  I have three cases that need to be looked over, and I can't hold them back any further then a few days."  Closing my eyes at a light I pinched the bridge of my nose. 

"Tell Scott to take them."

"They asked for you.  I won't waver on this."

"What if I refuse?"  There was a brief moment of silence before she spoke again and I was now heading down the road to Harper's.  My heart screaming to see her and my head dying to get Melissa off the phone.

"Caleb."  Her tone was very clipped.  "If you refuse you have two options."  I waited as she paused yet again.  "Pack up your office when you get back, or take the offer I sent you three days ago.  I don't want to loose you because you simply are the best at what you do, but you ignoring work to stay down there is very much not like you."

Pulling up into the drive I saw that the lot wasn't as active today, and I figured it was because Lucas was off on his first day of school.  Leaning back in my seat after pulling the brake I took a minute to think.

I knew what she was talking about with the offer from a few days ago, but I ignored it.  If I wasn't to represent Jimmy, the county wanted me to prove his guilt.

I wanted nothing to do with it.  If I didn't need to see Jimmy I wouldn't, fighting for or against. I was already way to far in when it came to his past having been with Harper.

Taking a deep breath I watched the porch as I saw Lilly come out to the swing, Peyton in her arms.

"Melissa, I'll think about it and get back to you."

"Twenty Four hours Caleb, or I have no choose but to fire you."

"Understood." Hanging up I got out of the car and rolled up the sleeves on my dress shirt.

"Hey there Lilly!"  I shouted jogging up the path.  I was surprised I didn't get the same reaction as I usually did, but a scowl from the older woman.  It made me slow my pace and walk up to them.  "How are you today?"

"I could ask you the same thing."  Raising a brow I sat down next to her.

"I'm good, thank you for asking."

"Nothing pressing your mind?"  I felt a tug on the back of my skull at her question and I was pretty sure I knew what it was about, but over looked it.

"My mind is always pressed.  So much to do, so little time."  I tried to joke.  But she saw right through me.

"You've had a lot of free time lately.  Helping out here and with the kids.  Work not pressing to much I take it, with Jimmy's case and all."


They knew.

Her all knowing eyes watched me as I held myself up, not willing to back down from the woman.  Normally I would out of respect, but it felt different with the way she was watching me.  Challenging me.

"I'm no longer on the case."  My voice cracked but I got the words out all the same, the same time the screen door screamed in protest as Harper flung it open, eyes blazing.  I knew I should have told her.  It's worse with her finding out this way.  But I had been a coward. Something I never thought myself to be.

"And when where you planning on telling me huh?  When you were on the plane back already?  Or with an expensive fruit basket with a card telling me you were sorry?"

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