City Bound - Chapter One (Bonus)

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Hey everyone! So I know this is the first chapter to the 2nd story in the series, but I have to tell may change here in the future. I am keeping it up, but a heads up until then. Much love! Enjoy!

I could feel my eyes starting to water as I looked up to Jason. He was looming over me, buttoning up his shirt as if nothing had just happened. Tucking them into his jeans and turning away from me to buckle up the belt that held him together.

Sitting on the edge of the bed I couldn't move. My hands balled in the sheet I held close to my chest.

I felt dirty. Used.

It was just a one time thing Diana, you knew it and I knew it. There isn't any reason for you to get so upset. His words had stung, and I could feel the tears I was trying to hold back fall upon my face.

I should have seen this coming. But I didn't want to believe it. After everything I had done in the last couple of months...him always brushing me off, I thought this was a dream come true. That he had finally fallen for me in the way I had fallen for him.

How stupid could I be?

I tore the sheets away from myself, knowing that I was stark nude and went to stand in front of him. I knew my eyes were red and swollen, my lips still flush from his. He couldn't look at me and not know what had just happened between the two of us. But he wouldn't look at me. He was looking anywhere but me.

"Jason." He didn't look at me. "Jason. Look at me!" I demanded he look into my eyes, but he still couldn't meet my eyes dead on. His eyes skimmed my body, and I could see the hunger and longing that lingered in them, but he wouldn't look at me. Me. He knew what he had just done to me. "You really can't think that this was it, Jason." I cried, wanting to take him in my arms but scared that he would push me off. Even after not having been cradled in them ten minutes prier. "You can't just make love to me the way you just had, and then tell me that their wouldn't be anything after that."

With that statement Jason met my eyes. His face void of any emotion.

"I didn't make love you to Diana. I scratched an itch, and that was it." Another hit to my heart, I backed up till I sat on a chase that leaned against the wall. Now I couldn't look at him, and didn't want too.

After all this time...I was such a fool. I should have never pursued this man.

"I have to go. Lock up when you leave, please." His voice was gruff, deep, and if my imagination wasn't right, hesitant. But he didn't stick around for me to find out.

Hearing the front door close, the screen door bouncing on its hinges, I let the tears descend. I was angry, no, not just angry, but heart broken.

Standing I looked around the room that would have been a memory for the best night of my life, but now it just where I scratched an itch, were I had given myself up so easily to a man I thought would see me for more then just a pretty face and fancy shoes.

He's always brushed you off Diana, can't you see that? My thoughts assaulted me, and I knew it was true. I had chased him. To the point where I had made a fool out of myself, and right when I thought it was never going to happen, the moment I was going to give up, he kisses me and takes me home...

"You're a fool Dee..." Whipping my hands over my face I look around again and start getting dressed. Slipping my feet into my heels I knot the small belt around my waste.

Well, if I was going to do the walk of better way to do it, then to look fabulous doing it...sighing, I grab my clutch and make my to the front of his house. It wasn't a small place, but just the right size, and it made me want to cry all over again knowing that I had been laughing when I walked in.

This was it. I walked out, and in my fit, didn't lock the door. Dumb to think that as a triumph, but you have to enjoy the little things in life.


Pulling up to my Brothers porch, or should I say his wife Harper's, I dimmed the headlights on my rental. All the lights were off in the house, and I was hopping that I could maybe get in and out without waking anyone up.

Was only my luck though, that when I walked through the door I saw Harper standing in the kitchen door, tea bag in hand, waiting for me. The light on the counter was so dim I didn't know how it was she could see me.

"I made you some tea." Her voice was light and welcoming. I had grown to truly love the woman, always open and willing to lend a shoulder.

"How did you know I was on my way here?" Taking the cup I sat at the rounded bench in the kitchen and ran a hand through my hair. Her eyes lowered, and I knew then..."Jason called you."

"Yeah." I laughed and took a sip from the mug.

"Asshole." I shock my head. Bad enough I had to take the walk of shame, my new sister had to see me doing it. And knew why I was doing it. I could feel all the tears rushing back to my already swollen eyes.

Before I could even stifle them Harper was sitting right next to me, her arms wrapping around me.

"He wanted to make sure you got home okay."

"Like he cares."

"He dose care." I shook my head and pushed away slightly, letting myself breath.

"No, Harper. He doesn't." My words were cut by the emotion in my voice, but I didn't care, I just needed to let it out. "Why did I have to like him, hmm? Why did I have to crush on him the moment I saw him sitting here at this table with you? And that dumb ass mustache of his?" I chocked on my tongue and took another drink. "I was his itch, Harper, nothing more."

I hadn't looked at her from the moment I started my speal, but when I finally did she sat there in silence. She was very good at schooling her features, but not as good as my brother or Jason. I could see she was upset.

"Are you going to stay the remainder of your trip?" Her voice was small, but her eyes where hopeful when they landed on me. I shock my head not wanting to betray myself. I wanted to stay. I loved my family, but I needed time, and I was hurt to badly tonight to want to face him again in the morning. And I knew, he'd be here in the morning.

She nodded and squeezed my shoulder.

"I'll help you get up and out without waking up Caleb, he would be really upset to see you leaving this late."

"I know." I could see more fully now that Harper was more upset then she was letting on, but I was just grateful when she helped me pack up my car and took me into her arms for a bear hug. She told me not to be a stranger, and I told her I wouldn't. But if I had it my way I wouldn't be coming back for some time.

I will pay for them to come see me. I liked the city life better anyway...

Anything would be better then to have to come back here and have him look at me with those emotionless eyes.

I drove off the Ranch without a second thought and was on the next plane to Chicago that night.

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