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Sitting at the table during brunch was weird, okay, let me rephrase that.  Awkward and a little bit tense.  I didn't quite know why.  I was in a chipper mood when I came through the door, not only having saw that Caleb came, but because I wasn't going to let the day escape me.  

But Luis seemed to be in a sour mood, and Caleb was shooting it back.  What was this?  They meet for the very first time and hate each other?  The chatter was light, but my mother was even eyeing Luis like she knew what was going on and I did.  Lucas though, he was to busy stuffing his face to really care.  I swear he was like a black hole and could eat it all.

"Harper?"  I looked up from the bite about to go into my mouth to the sound of my mothers voice.

"Yes ma?"

"Can you come help me for a moment?"  She had her plate and gestured to the sink.  I was about to protest, but then got her hint while looking at the men at the table.  She wanted to talk to me alone.

"Ya, no problem.  Excuse me."  Nodding to them they waved me off and I stepped around the island with my mother.  In a hushed tone she started to put the dishes that had been made away.

"Luis is going to be a handful today sweetheart.  I thought I'd warn you."

"What? Why?  What is going on?"  I asked back, bending to get the soap. 

"Hm, well, everything was dandy, until I had to open my mouth and say something about last night."  I flushed and swatted her arm.

"Ma!"  It was a little loud and I saw all three men looking over.

"I'm sorry! You know me.  I'm old, I can say what I want too, but I fear that Luis is upset that Caleb caught your gaze before he could."  I moaned and leaned my head on her.  Mumbling into her shoulder how much I hated her she laughed and told me to finish my food.  She went off to do what ever it was she did, and I sat back down no realizing the issue.

Luis liked me.

I knew this, and had for a few years now; but he had never truly made a move other to ask if I wanted to bang.  And just for starters, that was not the best thing he could have done at the time.  We had a long history, and sad to say he used to be a friend of Jimmy's...that didn't help either.  I just didn't like him enough to want to start anything.  No relationship, or any relation, at all.

No denying that he was a okay looking guy, black hair to was cut short and spiked every day, green eyes and dark skin.  He had it, but not my kinda had.  I guess I just liked the blond guys better.

While finishing up I noticed Caleb more in conversation with Guy then anyone else, and I guess that was all fine and dandy.  Jason was more into reading the news on his phone, but Luis was just sulking next to me and it was annoying.  It wasn't like Caleb and I were flaunting anything in front of everyone.  Sure we met eye contact a few times, or traded a smile, but it was nothing serious! We had fun, that was that.

"Ma, can I go get Cowboy ready?"  Being drawn out of my thoughts Lucas's hazel eyes looked bright up at me.

"Ya baby, you can.  I'll be there in a few, okay?"

"Okay!"  Jumping out of his seat he went and put his dishes in the seat and ran back over to give Peyton a little kiss on the cheek. "I get to pamper and ride him all myself today!"  And while saying it, smiled up at Caleb.  His eyes widened a bit and saute me out.

"Your going to let him do that alone?"  I shrugged and leaned back in my chair.

"He will be watched.  After all he will be coming with us.  He's the same age I was when I started to learn."  I could tell it was a little hard for him to fathom, but I guess he got over it and ended up handing little Peyton over to my mother.  She took her little hands and walked her into the living room.

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