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Stepping out of the shower I made my way around my floral covered sheets.  Today we were going to rack up a good part of the cattle for the first buyer I had acquired. And having sold seven cows that meant a good pay day for me.  My mother needed to get a few things for around the house and it would be nice to see some more money back in the bank.  

$7,500 was what it equaled out too, and having healthy cattle was more then I could ask for.  Last year I had lost quite a few due to a cold, man if only that hadn't happened.  I wouldn't have to sell so much this year.

Looking out the window the sun was just coming over the horizon, and colored the sky in different pinks and oranges.  It was a reason I enjoyed getting up so early.  Not only did it give me an hour or two before the kids woke up, but it gave me the time I needed to compose myself for the day.

Opening the window I took a long deep breath.  The chill of the season was finally moving in.  Not only meaning pumpkins and turkey, but the start of the school year for Lucas.

1st Grade.  Oh my son would be in 1st Grade.  It rocked me to my core, but I knew I had to get over it.  

Making my way down I got a cup of coffee and headed out to the barn.  I ran my hand down Ivory's black tipped nose and brushed her down.  Then repeated the process with Rosa and Cowboy.  Laying them out there oats and apples for breakfast I watched as they munched away, thinking about what my day would be like.  And as soon as they were done, I lead the horses out into the pasture and let them wonder.  It wasn't good to keep them cooped up, and once you had a horses trust you knew they would stay near.

I made sure that everything was under way like I did every morning, collecting the chicken eggs, feeding all the animals, and mucking out the stables when I heard a very high pitched squeal come from the other side of the barn.

Curious, sense the sun hadn't even been out for a full hour yet, I made my way round and saw...I couldn't even believe it.  Diana.  Caleb's sister, trying to watt away Rosa's curious assault.  All in all trying and failing, while trying to keep the mud off her, what I could tell, very expensive shoes.

"Ah!  Back up you beast!"  Her face was pure fear for the animal and I laughed as I made my way over.  Tapping Rosa on her cheek she brought her nose down and I ran my hand over her.

"Well, Diana, I hadn't expected to see you here.  What do I owe the honer?"  She huffed and some of her hair went out of her face, but she kept an eye on the curious Rosa.

"Please make that thing go away."

"Thing?  You mean Rosa?"  She waved her hand.

"What ever, just make it leave me alone!"  She huffed again then looked down to her shoes.  "Oh poor poor shoes."  I wanted to barf at the way she spoke to her shoes.  But then again I thought about the type of woman I suspected she was, and decided that they were the closest things to love she had at this moment.

"Why are you here Diana?  I didn't think you liked me all that much when we met at the hospital."

"What? Not like you?  I don't know you enough to make that judgment.  But I must say, this wild dirt and all is making you look messy."

"It's called work. Earth.  Life even?  We all start at the dirt."  She waved her hand again at me and Rosa and I sent Rosa on her way.  I watched as she trotted over to Ivory and laid her head on her back.  Poor Rosa just wanted to make a new friend. 

I looked back at Diana who was still fussing over her shoes.

"So, why are you here?"  Taking a deep breath she sucked it up and looked at me.

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