Twenty Four

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The Goal has been met! Over 1000 reads! Wooooohoo!!! You guys have no idea how much this means to me!

And as promise, the next chapter.



The next few weeks flew by me in a rush. From the cattle to school supplies, Caleb and just my life, I felt like it couldn't get any better.  I was packing up Lucas's first school lunch and I couldn't help but pause and look at the little lunch box.  Ninja turtles across it with smiling faces.

My boy was starting school. And not just a preK or anything.  Actually school.

I didn't realize that I was even crying until I saw a few drops land on the slick surface. Whipping them away quickly I zipped it up and put it in his bag.

Hearing Lucas in the living room I made my way over, asking him to put his shoes on, and haling him into the car.  

Peyton sat in her seat all excited, not knowing what all the excitement was about, but enjoying it none the less.  I didn't think it would be fair for only me to bring him.  His very first day.  So we all crammed into my truck, including my mother and drove into town.

Lucas asked a million questions on the half hour drive to the school and we tried to answer them all as best we could.  We could hardly remember what it was like in Kindergarten, but I did warn him to be nice.  They still did time outs to little boys that didn't behave.

Rolling his eyes behind me, I gave him a playful glare in the review mirror.

"Mama, are we there yet?"  His excitement was bursting at the seams. 

"We are now."  I said half heartily, pulling into the parking lot.

"Oh, so exciting! Our little man starting school!  Next thing you know my daughter, is that he'll be bringing home his first little girlfri-"

"Oh ew Granma!"  We laughed and ushered everyone out of the car.  Lucas, with his backpack on and his smile gleaming we took pictures in front of there school mascot, that just happened to be a cow.  I thought it was hilarious, just knowing that it was a kid friendly thing, but if anyone else watched SouthPark on the late channel, they would know too.

Stumbling around I got a picture with him, then another parent taking there child in took one of all of us and vis versa.   It was good to see that everyone was so excited about the first day of school.

Handing Peyton to my mom I turned and leaned down to Lucas.

"Now, you have your lunch, your supplies-"


"Yes baby?"  I looked into his eyes and saw that he couldn't be any happier then he was. Holding onto my hands with a bright smile.

"I'm okay Ma.  You don't need to worry."  It surprised me sometimes how well mannered my boy could be.  The head on his shoulders was smarter then I could think, and it pleased me.  I knew he'd be okay.

"Okay baby."  Kissing his forehead I watched as he walked away.  "I love you."

"Ah, they grow so fast don't they?"  

That voice...

Turning slowly to my left I looked over to see Jimmy...I knew it to be him, but I had hopped otherwise.  I knew his voice all to well.  He was standing just a few feet away from Peyton, watching her and then looking off in Lucas's direction.  

I was so happy he hadn't seen his father.  It would have ruined his day.  But then again, I was happy that if he had seen him he wouldn't have known his happens when he's not in there lives.

"What are you doing here Jimmy?"  I tried to stay calm, but when ever I was around the man I always seemed to let loose my anger toward him.  My mother took a few steps back, trying to look indifferent and failing.

"I was just wanting to see our son off on his first big day.  Such a crime?"  His smile was charming, but I knew better.

"Mom?  Go wait in the car with Peyton for me please?"  I handed her my keys, and with a silent agreement she went on her way.

"Was that necessary?  I haven't seen her in so long already."

"What are you doing here.  You don't care for your kids.  Aren't you supposed to be under house arrest or something?"  Now that the children were away I let the venom seep into my voice.  My fists clenching on my sides.

"Actually,"  He took a step closer to me and I wanted to step back, but held my ground. "that ended about a week ago.  Why?  Your little boy toy not tell you?"  I felt my face flush, but I knew what he wanted and I wouldn't give it to him.  He got a rush on making me angry.

"Don't call Caleb my boy toy.  He isn't."  I spat.  So much for trying to remain calm.  He chuckled lightly.

"Oh yeah, that's right.  He's just a passing phase seeing he'll be leaving here soon anyway.  Can't stay away from work forever."

"What?"  His words surprised me.  "He's staying till your cas-"

"He dropped my case two weeks ago."  My feet felt cemented to the ground, my mouth gaping.  If it were possible I swear it could've hit the ground.  

But then it hit me.  

This man didn't have an honest bone in his body.

"You're lying."  It came out a whisper as he took another step toward me.  He put a hand on my shoulder gently, to my surprise, and shook his head.

"No, he came to my house, wanted to discuss a few things, and the next thing I know is the sheriff coming down late and handing me files for my new attorney.  Local this time.  Guess my money isn't worth much."  The last part had a bitter tone to it, and I shifted so his hand would stop touching me.

I didn't want to believe this.  That meant that he would be leaving any day now, and he hadn't told me.

"You just can't let me be happy...can you Jimmy."  It was a statement more then a question, and I turned to walk away.

"Whats mine is always mine."  His voice was deep.

"Excuse me?"  I turned back and saw that his handsome face was chiseled into stone. But it was no longer beautiful to me, but a composed heap needing to be burnt to a crisp.  He may had looked good to me at one point in time.  But that had long sense past.

He didn't say anything else as I watched him, he only stared back.  Looking over my attire to the boots on my feet.

Finally turning to leave he told me to have a good day.  Like that would happen now...I looked back over to the school.

I had to file out some paperwork...Only a few people could come and pick Lucas up and I wanted to make it certain.  This was now the second time he came around saying he came to see them, even though I knew better, I couldn't take the chance that he might try to take my baby from me.

My children...they were my world.

And the worst part of that...was that Jimmy knew that just as well as I did.

Gone CountryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ