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Hey everyone!

I know it has been....far to long sense I have uploaded a chapter..but life likes to through curve balls to everyone, and this last month, starting on Thanksgiving was not the best.  From CSI being out side of my house just across the street, to a family member being hospitalized and immediate surgery...ah, if I could only tell you how much I have been stressed out!

But I love all of you for your support, and how much you guys have supported me.  

So here we are!  Another mile stone done, and chapter thirty is here.  Surprises to come...don't be mad at me lol, writing this myself made me mad, and I'm the one who wrote it!


Everyone always said that I was the one person that was able to keep myself under control in situations of struggle, stress, and anger.  But my mind is far from it now.  My fist meeting the jaw of Jimmy Turner.  The adrenaline pumping through my veins.  I can feel the crunch of my knuckles as it meets his unexpected face.  I welcome the pain, knowing that it hurt him far more then it did me.

I had sought him out, to the only bar in town, and for good reason.  I was never going to be put under his thump again.  And he better believe it.

"What the hell Harper?!"  He's rubbing the area I hit, blood pooling from where I slit his lip.

"Never again Jimmy.  I know it was you.  I have the evidence."  His jaw tightens under my gaze.  Realizing that my surprise punch wasn't just from seeing him here.  I had thought of the places he would be at this time of day.  And sadly I was right to still know his habits.

"I don't have the slightest idea of what you mean."  He says coolie.   I know he is trying to get under my skin, to make me hit him again, but I keep myself from it, knowing that it would cause us to go to court for more then is already necessary.  I breath in deep and take a step back.

"See you in court Turner.  You might want some ice for that lip."

24 hours earlier

"Ma, I don't want to go to bed!"  Lucas is protesting as I pull him into the bathroom.  "Can't I stay up and play cards with you guys?"

"Baby, you know your bed time.  You want to be a grump tomorrow?"  He shakes his head as I have him step up to the sink.  Taking his ninja turtles tooth brush we run it under the water.  "Then you should get a full night of sleep.  No one wants to see you get in trouble because your tired."

"I don't think I will get in trouble."  I swallow the urge to laugh, knowing full well he would take it as an okay to stay up.  But I know very well that if he doesn't go to sleep, he would be a hand full in the morning, and I didn't want that.  I liked it better when little man listened.

Tomorrow I had planned to go riding, and if he hasn't slept, oh what a joy that would be.

Tucking him into his bed I kissed both his checks and nuzzled his nose. 

"You've had a hard week baby.  I think we stick with bedtime."  Yawning he still tries to protest, but as his head rests on his pillow I know he would be out soon.  "Sweet dreams love.  I love you."  Mumbling that he loves me too, I turn and head down stairs.

My mother and Caleb at the table, I see that Maggie had come to join us.  One of her hands was holding a bottle as she looked at me, wiggling her eye brows.

"Sleeping?"  I nodded and take the bottle from her.

"You have to have rum every time you come over?"  She follows me to the island in the kitchen and leans against it.  She looks over my shoulder, and following her gaze I see Caleb watching me.  My mother busy shuffling the deck she choose to play with.

"I think rum makes everything better."


"No, but you need to loosen up."  Nudging her I go and get some pint glasses.  After getting everyone a mixed drink I sit down next to Caleb and relax the moment he puts an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I sigh, inhaling his sent.  This is right where I want to be.

"So you two a couple now?"  Maggie's eyes light up as she leans over the table.  "I'm just dying to know."  I merely chock on my drink and Caleb starts to laugh.

"If you were to ask me if she was mine Maggie, I would have to say yes."  My checks blaring a hot color of scarlet I hide the smile playing across my face.

"Oh babe, no need to be shy about it."  He pulls my hand away and places a chase kiss onto my lips.  My mother and Maggie start giggling with each other, and the only thought that keeps my mind busy from their gossip is what Lucas had asked me earlier.

Would Caleb want to take him on and be his father?

Eyeing him, as he stared at me in return, so much love in his eyes, I knew.

He would.

Pushing that to the side, we start to play a game of 21, then slap jack, and just settled for plan poker, loosing ourselves in good company.  We talk about everything and anything, knowing that nothing of embarrassment would leave this kitchen.

Smiling and laughing our lungs out I check the time, and see that I should check on the youngsters.  Turning the music down on the radio as I head up, I find them both asleep...but there is this noise, and I cant seem to figure out where it is coming from.  Poking my head into my room I see Peyton still sound asleep, but this shrill sound, like something is screaming is still in the back of my head.

Panic grips me as I realize where that sound is coming from.


Oh my god, the horses! Cowboy! Rosa!

Running down the stairs I skirt passed the kitchen, and in my panic, I see everyone else get up and start to follow in a rush.

I don't hear the squeak of the screen door, or the crunch of gravel as I run out of the house...the only thing I hear is my scream of horror, the scream of the animals I love.

The barn is on fire.  A small corner licking up the flames like a candle. And my horses are still inside.

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