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"Ma!"  Yelling up the stairs I wrapped what was left of the BBQ chicken that we had made for dinner.  "Ma!"

I heard her mumbling as she came down the stairs and leaned her frame over the stairs. 

"Yes my dear?"

"I wanna go before it gets to late.  I need you to ma-"

"I know I know.  Don't tell me what to do with the kids.  I did raise you didn't I?"  She had her long hair pulled back into a bun on her head, and looking down at me from the landing it started to fall around her face.  She was smiling, but with warning.  I laughed and nodded.

"Yeah I know.  I just don't wanna be out forever, and I wanted to make sure."  Rolling her eyes like she was a child she told me to get a move on.

I was pulling on my muddied boots when Lucas came in from the front.  The screen door squeaked, and I could hear the roes he made as he tried to take off his sneakers.


"Over here baby."  Standing up I saw him swerve, nearly missing the side of the door with his shoulder.  "Why are you in such a rush?"  I took his head in my hands and looked him over.  "Did you hurt yourself?" He laughed and shook his head.

"No.  I didn't know when you were goin to see the Dragon. I wanted you to take Mr. Tickles with you.  You know.  Good dreams."  Laughing myself I told him to get the old thing and he bolted up the stairs. 

After I had said goodnight to the little ones I headed out.  It was only about five in the afternoon, but I knew they would be in bed by the time I got back.

It had been three days sense Caleb had his run with the bull, and three days sense I saw him last.  Lucas had wanted to go see him every day, but I told him we needed to let him rest.  When in reality I still felt guilty for having it happen in the first place.  There was just no room in my life for trouble, but no matter where I went or who I saw, I seemed to find it. 

People were just to crazy.

When I was parked in the lot I made sure to compose myself and wouldn't let myself run up to his private room.  What a mess I would be if I showed up all huffen and puffen.  I wanted to so badly though.

It had been a short time, and he had only touched my skin once, but it was all that was needed for the sense of comfort I felt when with Caleb.  My heart jumped as I was in the elevator, and I nearly slapped myself in front of a nurse trying to control my thoughts.  But I reframed and passed by without anyone thinking I was crazy.

Finally, I stood in front of you his room.  Mr. Tickles in had.

"Come in."  Opening the door I wore a smile that anyone would be happy to see...only to see he was knee deep in paper work.

"Uh, there is no service here, no matter what I do."  Startled by the voice I looked over and saw a tall, thin, gorgeously put together blond tapping away on her cell phone.  "Seriously?  They don't even have a mall here?"

"Ah, Diana, if you don't mind."  Without looking up from what he was reading he gestured to all the papers.  "I'm working."  She did a perfect flip of her hair, and spotted me.

"Hello?  May we help you?"  She looked at me like I had no right to be there.  Eyeing the stuffed rabbit in my arms along with the mud that was still on my jeans.  I cleared my throat and held my head high, not caring if my nails weren't as perfect as hers.

"Caleb."  I turned to him and found that he had stopped his work and was watching me with a slight smile.

"Hey Harper, come to give me another dose of pain killers?  I swear those things are killer."  His voice was already drawled out, letting me know he was already on them like he was days ago.  I laughed and walked closer to the side of his bed.

"I wanted to check up on you..."

"Wait."  Jumping at the voice I looked back at this Diana.  "Harper?  As in, the Harper that had my brother almost killed Harper?"  Her glare spoke volumes, and I had to clear my throat all over again.

"It wasn't her fault.  Drop it."  Caleb's voice was so deep that it made his statement seem final.  But his sister only seemed to challenge him.  Her nails tapping on the arm of the hospital chair she ran her eyes over me again and then over her brother.

Seeming to have a click go off in her head she smiled and leaned back into her seat.

"Okay, I get it."  And that was that.  She went back to what ever she was doing on her phone before I came in and completely ignored us.

Pulling a chair up along side his bed I handed him the faded blue rabbit. His eye brows shot up in question and I explained that it was from Lucas.  He wanted him to have a good last night in the hospital. 

"How did you guys know I would be discharged tomorrow?"  He looked at the rabbit smirking, and then tucked it between his side and arm.

"Jason has been calling us to let us know how you are doing.  Lucas was kinda going crazy not knowing."

"You could have just came up."

"Yeah..."  I trailed off and found Diana watching me.  I looked away quickly, gesturing to all the papers he had sprawled across his legs.  "What's all this?"  This time he was the one to look away and started to stack the papers neatly into a folder.

"Jimmy's case."

"Oh."  I felt my checks heat up as I looked down to my boots.

"The autopsy came back, from his former lover Olivia.  I had to look over it before I go to see him tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" He was nodding when I finally looked back up.

"I am here for a reason."  Oh right...not just because of me.  The reminder rammed itself into my chest and I took a deep breath.  He is the man hired to make Jimmy look like a good man.  Hired to prove his innocence.  Hired to keep him a free man.  It made me angry just thinking about it, but I didn't know the story of what was happening.  I had no right, and I had to let go of it.

Sighing I brought myself to my full height.

"Well then...I should be going.  Just wanted to make sure you were alright."  He smiled and took my hand before I moved away.

"Thank you.  It means a lot."

"Oh and me being here doesn't!"  Diana huffed from her chair.  I just knew that she had been listening the whole time.

"Unlike you, she wanted to see me."

"Well, you could have been dying, I kinda had to be here."

"And again.  She wanted to see me."  His smile was mocking, but I could tell it was an all around thing for them.  Siblings bickered and argued, and not all the time got along or liked each other.  I could tell their relationship was along those lines.

Still holding my hand he ran his thump over my knuckles. The heat seeping into my skin.

"Thank you again."  He gestured to Mr. Tickles.  "Tell Lucas that I will take very good care of him."  Feeling the burn of his touch  I pulled my hand away slowly.

"I will.  Oh! And, um-"  I reached around into my bag forgetting that I had put the chicken there, ready to give to him.  "Here.  We thought you would like it better then the food they serve here."  Calm and collected he took the plastic container that held it.  "Moms idea."  I lied.  My mother didn't even know that I took it with me.  Oh I felt like a little lost kitten right about now. 

I didn't have to sneak around anymore.  I was a grown woman.  Ah, but that man made me feel like it.

"Thank you."  His smile was genuine then, something I had come to love.  It was so much better then looking at him while he hide his emotions.

"Your welcome."  I turned and was about to head out when I turned back one last time.  "And it was a pleasure meeting you Ms. Mondragon."

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