Thirty Five

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"You want me to do what?"  I let out a frustrated sigh into the phone.

"You heard me. I need you to do this."

"Caleb, I know that everything is a mess right now, but I can't get that over night."

"Then what do you want me to do? Break in? Cause you know I will Jason."  I turned down the road, balancing my phone in one hand. 

"Dude, I can't get one that fast. The least I can do is by morning."

"Shit."  Hanging up I continue done the road that I'm on.  I was going to get answers.  In a manner that I had never done before, but oh well.  I was going to break the law.  Something, I, being a lawyer, have never intentionally before tried.  But I was on my way, and there was always a first time for everything.

On the phone with Jason I had wanted him  to get a warrant.  A warrant to search Jimmy's estate. 

Harper was in for the night, and with that, I couldn't help but snap just a bit.  I thought she could have piece of mind with me around; I was wrong.

People do crazy things for love.  And this would be, by far, the stupidest thing I would ever do.

I was going to break into Jimmy's house.

I didn't know why no one had yet done so under warrant, but I figured that he was able to sneak and slither his way out of things in such a small town.

Even getting away with murder was something he thought he could do.

Well, not anymore. Not with me around to represent the state.  With this opportunity I wasn't going to miss out.  If I could find anything, I would. 

Pulling into the lot near his house I inspected the area, watching for any sign of life.  The lights were all turned off, and I couldn't find his car.  As I was watching my phone started buzzing.

It was Jason.

"I can't talk now."  I immediately said.

"yes you can. I know what your up too.  Stay put.  I'll be there in a little while.  Oh, and Jimmy's coming in.  He's spending the night in a holding cell as well."

"Wa-!?"  He hung up before I could ask what he meant.   Jimmy was in a holding cell?  Close to Harper?  Ah shit, this night was just getting better and better.  I could feel my blood beginning to boil just by the thought.  I hopped that she was doing okay.  Not letting the monster get to her...and while I was wondering, lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the light that was now shinning through my window.

"Caleb!"  I jumped and opened the car door faster then you could say road kill.

"Man, you can't do that!"  Taking hold of my phone along with a light I got out of my car.

"I knocked."  He was smirking.  "And I also held the light there in your face for some time. What more do you want me to do to get your attention?"  I rolled my shoulders and jumped a few times, letting my blood flow free. 

"I was in deep thought."  Looking over him I noticed that he wasn't in his usual attire.  But wore everything pitch black.  He also had a few items to help us snoop.  The only thing of formality was the 9 millimeter attached to his belt.

"Did you really leave him there with Harper?"  Sighing he dropped his head.  An action I wasn't used to seeing on this man.  He was always so sure of himself.

"Again, I had no choose.  I swear he wanted to get locked up tonight.  He started a fight at the bar and knocked a few people unconscious. We had to take him in and detain him for the night.  He's loosing his edge to go and do something like that."  He looked around and to Jimmy's house.  "I don't think he know he gave us the perfect opportunity to look through his shit."

"You can't do this with me."  I say now thinking about it.  "You can get yourself fired."

"And you cant?"  Chuckling he adjusted his belt and shook his head.  Moving toward the estate he looked back over at me.  "She's my family.  And he's killing it slowly.  Don't say I never helped, or cared.  I maybe a man of the law, but at the end of the day, I'm a beatnik redneck."  I nodded in understanding.

Making our way through the back, watching for any dogs, or some type of security, we found that there was none.  This guy was way to confident with himself.  And to our luck, he even left the door open.

"I bet you five bucks the front is open too."  

"This man is something else."  I agreed, laughing lightly.

"I hope we get him.  Lets split and look."

Before going opposite ways I took his arm. "We will get him.  We have too."  Gloves on and lights up, we started searching.  Room from room, bathroom to bathroom and thru the kitchen.  It was becoming a little tiresome when Jason called me into the room that looked like it was used as an office.  Checking the clock I saw that we'd been looking for over three hours already.  God the place was big.

"Jump on this."

"Excuse me?"  He pointed to the spot he was standing.

"Jump on it.  Let me know it's not just me that's felling this."  Moving over I went and stood were he would have been, and then gently started to jump on the hard wood floor.  I didn't understand at first what it was I was supposed to feel, but then I realized the floor was moving.

It was hollow. 

My chest felt tight, and my breath caught.

I think we found what we were looking for. 

Annnnnnnd BOOM!

Double updates for you guys who are hatting me right now for having taken so long!

Love you all



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