Thirty Nine

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The pain I felt echoed through out my body, the pain almost to much to bare. But...why did I hurt?  I thought about it, then when looking found myself on the floor.  An echoing in my ears.

It was a scream.

And it was me who had been screaming. 

Jimmy had charged, jumping over the oak bench and toward Caleb. The intent clear.  Caleb had him under his thumb.  Jimmy would be put away for a very long time, and knowing this no longer cared what happened. I saw Caleb tense, and prepare, taking the hit to the chest.  I swore I heard a crack and my heart stopped.  His ribs..they weren't even fully healed...but he paid no heed as he returned a blow and sent Jimmy to the side.  The guard was in the way, trying to hold Jimmy as the Judge tried to pull everything back to order..the ballet screaming in my ears.

But it just got worse from there.  

I swear my heart had completely stopped due to the fear I felt as my vision blurred.  Caleb was coming my way, his face etched with worry and pain.  A hand over his side, while I jumped back over the rail.  But I couldn't focus on Caleb, I was focused on Jimmy.  The guards face was a mask of dread, pain, and the blood I could see spurt from his side. 

Jimmy had a knife, and it was now covered in blood.

As the Judge went for his fallen officer, screaming for someone to restrain the man, Jimmy headed for Caleb.  The blade high enough to cause death if it struck his chest.

Caleb took my arm unawear, and I did the only thing I could...I screamed and launched myself in front of Jimmy before he could stab Caleb...

With everything fresh in my mind I looked around with a fuzzy feeling hovering over me, the pain covering the noise around me.

Jason had Jimmy on the ground, his knee between his shoulder blades.  He was hand cuffed and screaming at me.  The room seemed to crowed around me as I saw the entering EMT's.  Seeing that they were pushing their way through the scrambling crowd toward me.

That's when I realized that I had done what I had thrown myself too. I'd stopped Jimmy form killing the man I loved; but Caleb was crying, holding me close to him.  I hadn't even noticed that he was holding me.  And...why was he crying? He was alive!  I'd never wanted to see him cry.

Lifting my hand to touch his face I realized I was smearing blood on his suit.  I flinched away and pain came coursing through me.  I looked for the source as Caleb tried to keep me still.

The knife.

the knife Jimmy used on the guard and intended for Caleb...

Was buried to the hilt in my left breast, right between my shoulder.

My blood was every where, I could see that now...but I wasn't scared.

"Harper, Harper...God Harper please.  Stay awake.  Just stay awake."  I could hear Caleb now, everything finally brought back to reality.  I wanted to laugh, laugh it off.  but I wanted to cry as well.  Salty tears mixed with my blood I tried to say something.  Anything to calm him down, but he was pushed away and the medics were over me in a second.  I watched him as he fought them, then I watched him while he paced.  My eyes forever on him.

"Harper, baby..." I was now in the back of an ambulance, preparing to leave.  But I could feel myself fading.   I took his hand, and he stilled a moment seeing i was lucid.

"I love you."  It came out labored, soft as a whisper.  I wanted those words to be more firm, but my lips weren't working right.

"I love you."  he kissed my hand.  "I'll always love you.  Your going to be okay."  I smiled, but didn't know if I believed him.  I knew what I was feeling, and it wasn't good.

"Take care of our babies."  The color faded from his cheeks as my statement sunk in.  He started to speak, but I couldn't hear him anymore.

As the vehicle lurched into motion I could feel myself lose consciousness. 

Don't hate me!

I swear its the characters writing themselves! I didn't know this was going to happen till I wrote it out.  I wanted to cry, but I wouldn't let myself.  She did what she thought she had to do and paid with extreme blood loose....well, and a knife in her shoulder. 

But you guys now me.  It won't end like this.

Love it? Star it!  Give me a share!


xox Until next time.

Jacky x

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