27. Unwanted Gatherings

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Today is the day we are heading to Orlando for a few days for 'men time' as Harry continues to call it, althought neither I, or the other boys are entertaining it. We're standing in the lobby, waiting on our flight to be called. It is too early and I am not in the mood for pictures, so any fan that came up to me probably thought I was being a sourpuss. I was.

"So are you sure Josh left last night to Florida?" Louis whispered to Harry.

"I'm positive I text him this morning, and he said he's there. He's on board with this plan he agreed to act like he's the one that called and came up with the idea. It's solid."

"And does Camila know we're on our way?" Niall asked.

"She knows, says they're heading out on the road soon and she hasn't spoken a word of this plan to the others. We're masterminds. This is going to brilliant." Harry rubbed his hands together.

"9AM FLIGHT FROM LOS ANGELES TO ORLANDO FLORIDA NOW BOARDING!" A voice rung over the intercoms, I dragged my carry on bag and followed the boys toward the planes runway.

"So I was thinking when we land we can go walk-" Louis began. I cut him off. "You thought wrong mate. I am going to walk my arse to the hotel room and sleep until this little concert starts." I said. Before he could protest, I propped my noise cancelling headphones snug in my ears, and started on a nap.


"Okay, my turn!" Dinah shouted from the back seat. "I spy with my little eyes, something forest green!" We were on our way to Orlando and I was going to go insane. Dinah, Camila and Normami were talking over each other, singing at the top of their lungs and this is the tenth game of eye spy that was being played within the last fifteen minutes. I just wanted to take a nap. I don't know how Ally could focus on driving. The girls were the biggest distractions and Normani is such a backseat driver.

"That tree!" Camila shouted.

"The car in front of us!" Normani gasped.

"Nope, and nope."

"That other tree!" Camila guessed again.

"That sign?" Normani guessed.

"Nope again suckas! My socks!" She held up her foot.

"You can't play I spy with an object we can't even see!"

"Yes you can see them I'm not wearing shoes." Dinah said.

Suddenly they started to get into a "NO YOU CAN'T" "YES YOU CAN!" disagreement. I turned around. "Can you guys play a different game?" I asked.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?"

Normani asked.

"It's my favorite game. I used to always play it with Chris and Taylor. It's called the quiet game."

"That's not really a game though." Dinah said.

"But I bet I can beat you." Normani challenged.

"Whoever wins and doesn't give me a headache gets twenty bucks." I pulled a twenty dollar bill out of my shorts pockets and waved it in their face. "You're on." Dinah said. Suddenly, and thankfully, all three girls went silent. I turned back to face the road with a smirk on my face. "Troy is heading out there with some friends of his." Ally said.

"For how long?"

"Well our break from college is all week, so I think he's staying at a friends who lives a few blocks from the beach."

"And you trust him?" Dinah spoke.

"Of course I trust him. I have no reason not to." Ally laughed. I turned to Dinah, just to see Camila and Normani pointing to her in accusation. "Dinah, you lost." I said. She pouted. "Can I try again?"

Nobody Compares. (Lauren Jauregui 5H and Zayn Malik 1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now