Chapter 1: Enchanted To Meet You

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Nicole's POV

I was soooo excited about going to Disneyland, it will be an amazing change from the boring, cold Montreal. I finished changing into my tank top and shorts and walked outside the bathroom. I passed a gift shop and there were adorable Minecraft items in the shop. I couldn't resist going in there and looking at the stuff.

"Agh, so sorry I'm late! There was a Minecraft shop beside the bathroom and I was looking at stuff!" I said.

"You and your Minecraft craziness..." Destiny said, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry! Come on, let's get into line." I said, pulling her along with me.

"I'M SO EXCITED! We are going to DISNEY!" I squealed and Destiny rolled her eyes as she looked around for our seats.

"Wait.....I'm not blind, am I?" said Destiny. I noticed there were people already sitting in our seats...

"Excuse me, how come there are people sitting in our seats?" I asked the stewardess nearby.

"Oh, that's unusual...there must have been a mix-up with the seating. Let me see if I can find you two seats elsewhere." the stewardess said to us.

Two minutes later, the stewardess came back and told us the only available seats were in first class. I was so excited that we were gonna sit in first class! I looked around for anyone famous that might have been sitting in first class. My eyes landed on a brown hair and blue eyed guy and I stopped in my tracks.

"OH MY GAWD......JASON?!?! OH MY EFFING GOD!!!!!" I squealed. It was MinecraftUniverse...a member of Team Crafted!

"Haha, I sure am. Are you guys also attending Minecon? I suppose you both are Minecraft fans." Jason said.

"Me, no....never liked Minecraft, never will." said Destiny.

"OMG I wish! But the tickets were sold out before I even had a chance to touch the mouse!" I exclaimed.

"Dang it, if you're not going to Minecon, then where are you ladies heading to?" Jason asked us.

"We going to Disney!" I said with a grin as Jason helped us put our bags in the overhead compartment.

"Oh really? I think all of us might be going there too, maybe we could go together?" Jason said with a smile.

"Oh Nicole is gonna explode.....thanks a lot, Jason." Destiny said. Jason chuckled and ran his hand through his hair.

"Wait 'all of us'? Is Team Crafted all here?!" I asked, wide-eyed.

"Well Mitch should-" Jason started to say.

"Jason, I'm back! The luggage problem is solved!" As if on cue, Mitch walked down the airplane aisle.

"OH MAI GAWD!!!!! Mitch?!?! OMG I'M NOT DREAMING, RIGHT?!?!?! OMG!" I squealed as Mitch neared us. Destiny whacked me on my arm, hard.

"Don't worry you are not dreaming." she said, sarcastically. I stuck my tongue at her and I sat down in the seat with my backpack in my arms. To my surprise, Destiny sat behind me in the other window seat and Mitch was beside me... I also noticed Jason sat down beside Destiny and they started talking.

"So you going to Minecon? I noticed you are a Minecraft fan." Mitch said with a grin.

"I seriously wish....but the tickets sold out sooo fast! Destiny and I are heading to Disneyland, I needed to get away from the cold and snowy Montreal." I said, blushing and looking down when I realized I was rambling.

"Haha, I know exactly how you feel. Montreal might have good poutine and all but winter is still winter." Mitch said.

I seriously couldn't believe Mitch, the guy I fangirled over so many times, was about 10 inches away from me. And he was talking directly to me. It was literally like all my dream came true... His eyes were beyond amazing...his hazel eyes were almost golden.

"Oh my god....I can't believe I'm talking to favorite Youtuber ever..." I said, then I started blushing, what I said sounded so crazy and weird.

"Haha, would you like a photo?" Mitch said with a smile and the raised eyebrow that he often does in vlogs.

"OMG YUS!" I said, grabbing my iPhone out of my pocket. Mitch leaned closer to me and I almost drop the phone. His face was like 2 inches away from me... I took the picture and closed my phone.

"Wait, let me take pic too, I needs this in mah life." Mitch said. I laughed and blushed again at his joke.

"Make a face!" Mitch said as he held his phone up. I winked at the camera and to my surprise, he gently put his chin on my left shoulder. I was blushing like hell after the photo and started to go on Instagram to post the picture. After I posted the picture, I was feeling drowsy so I fell asleep.

I woke up 20 minutes before landing and realized that my head was on Mitch's shoulders...

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, why didn't you wake me or move me???" I said, feeling so bad.

"It's fine, if I did what you said, I wouldn't be a real benj!" he joked.

"I'm sooo sorry though!" I apologized.

"Trust me, it was nothing. By the way, I was thinking, would you like to go to Minecon with me? And like Jason? We could probably get you and your friend media passes to our booth." Mitch said to me.

"YOU'RE NOT JOKING? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I asked in surprise and excitement, the blush never leaving my face.

"It's really nothing. We can definitely get you and your friend passes. Can you give me your number so I can call you when I get the passes and stuff?" Mitch said.

"Uh....yeah....of course." I said, blushing furiously again. We exchanged numbers and talked a bit more. Then way to soon, the plane landed and we had to leave.

"Ummm....bye, Mitch. Seeing you was like literally amazing!" I exclaimed.

Mitch laughed and gave me a quick hug. Then he and Jason left from the left aisle. I stood there.....shocked....Mitch Hughes just gave me a hug......

"NO! Don't you dare say anything. At least let me get to our hotel!" Destiny said, before I got out of that dreamy daze.
Our hotel room was small but nice, we got settled in and soon Destiny dozed off. Before sleeping too, there was a tweet and it was me and Mitch on the plane, Mitch's chin on my shoulder.... I fangirled so much but after a while, I drifted off to sleep too.

~Author's Note: Play the vid on the side when reading this! It rlly makes the feelz better :P and tanks so much for reading this! Remember, POWER MOVES ONLY ;) Much luv~

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