Chapter 3

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I like Against The Current's cover of teenagers, I'm not a big fan of TØP's cover of cancer tbh


I was on the playground at school, sitting by myself like I usually do and watching all the other kids play. I sat at the outdoor table, drawing in a little notebook I had. It was of a dark forest with creepy, twisting trees and ominous shadows. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to look at a girl. Her black hair had little pink bows in them to match her pretty pink dress. She was in my class last year when we were in third grade but she wasn't this year now that we were in fourth grade. I'm pretty sure her name is Jamia.

"H-hi, Frank," she stuttered, her cheeks turning pink. "I got you a flower, I thought we can be friends."

I stood up and looked down at her. She was rather small and frail. She didn't have any friends, just like me. Except she didn't have one because the other kids don't like her, whereas I didn't have any because I didn't want one.

"I know you like black so I colored it black for you so maybe you'd like it better," she offered.

Jamia held out a flower with the white petals crudely colored with black marker. Black ink covered her fingers around it. I took the flower from her hand and she smiled happily. I then proceeded to drop it on the ground and stomp on it. Jamia gasped, her eyes watering. I pushed her to the ground, reaching down and pulling her hair. She screamed and cried and begged me to stop while I just continued to yank on her dark locks.

"Mr. Iero!" Someone shouted.

I felt hands grab me and pull me off her. I sent the small, black haired girl a glare as I was dragged to the office, strands of her that I yanked out in between my fingers.


I was confused as I walked home, the dark streets surrounding me. I've never just let someone go before. Especially not after showing them my face. But something inside couldn't possibly force myself to hurt a hair on his head and I hated. I wanted to kill him so badly but I just couldn't and that made me so fucking mad.

I growled quietly, looking around at the empty streets. I picked up a rock, throwing it through a store window in frustration. Alarm systems went off as I hurried out of there before police came. I wasn't necessarily in the mood for dealing with them today. I got to my house, sitting down on the edge of my bed. I chucked my shoes off, looking at the black painted walls.

My house was in a more secluded area of New Jersey, surrounded by woods. It wasn't very big, with just two bedrooms and one bathroom. People rarely came around here, the only time is if I do something like a pizza. Other than that, nobody bothers me. There are some houses along the woods like mine but none of them are too close and I like that. I've never actually had anyone around here and I prefer it that way. I don't need any pathetic person just hanging around my house.

Gee was confusing me as I laid back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I've never let anyone go freely, especially not someone like him. I like the weaker ones more, the ones who have pitiful attempts of escape and pleas. Yeah, the bigger ones that put up a fight can be fun but sometimes that's just so much work and I don't feel like dealing with them. But people like Gerard, oh man, I could get high off killing them. I love hearing their pathetic cries as they're completely powerless to me.

There's just something stopping me and I don't know what the fuck it is but it's annoying as hell. I can't just leave him walking around while he knows what I look like. I could just take him here, keep him locked up in my basement. Nobody would even notice he's gone. Maybe then once I have him I'll be able to kill him without a worry. Well, I guess I've got a plan.

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