Something Doesn't Feel Right

Start from the beginning

"I love you." I smiled and Freddie kissed my lips. "Okay, Julia, let's go walk around the kitchen table." We didn't have that much room on the main floor so we had to walk around the coffee table and the kitchen table.

Julia held Freddie's hand and I held the small of his back, we walked down the stairs and into the kitchen then Freddie held onto a chair.

"This won't be long, I feel like we need to go soon." He muttered while he held onto the bottom of his stomach.

Freddie turned to walk and I gasped at how low his belly was. It pushed down the waistband of his sweats and his jumper barely covered it. Julia and I watched as Freddie held onto the chairs to walk, our daughter leaned against me and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"How was school today?" I asked and Julia shrugged- she didn't really feel like talking. "Freddie, baby, do you want something to eat?" Julia went to the pantry to find a snack and I thought that Freddie would want something.

"N-no, thank you. I'm too busy with other things right now." Freddie chuckled while he rubbed the bottom of his belly. "I will have some water though." He nodded so I grabbed him a glass of water.

"You're doing so well, baby." I smiled then I kissed him on the lips. "Just tell me when you want to leave and we can leave, okay?" I put his glass down then he grabbed onto my shoulders and he rested his head on my chest.

Freddie moaned and made noises of discomfort against my chest and Julia didn't even bat an eye at it, she was so chill with all of this. Freddie shivered a bit then he stood up straight.

"I want to go now." He whispered then Julia ran to get my keys.

I took Freddie to the door and I helped him with his slippers. He didn't want a jacket so we went out to the truck- Julia was waiting for us with the truck started and everything.

I helped my fiancé into the truck then I got in on my side.

"Something doesn't feel right." Freddie whispered while he held my hand over the centre console.

"What do you mean?" I asked, quietly, while I started the drive to the hospital.

"Something with the baby- it doesn't feel right." He breathed out while he slowly rubbed his belly. "There's something wrong with the baby." He whimpered while he squeezed my hand.

"There's nothing wrong with the baby, Freddie." I kissed his knuckles and he continued taking deep breaths.

The younger man had several more contractions before we arrived at the hospital and they seemed to be bad ones. He was crying a bit and saying that he needed to push but the last thing I needed was him birthing our baby in my dirty old truck.

"Freddie, don't push yet, I need to park." I muttered while I pulled into a spot. "Julia, get the bags." I nodded and she grabbed it- she was so great about this.

Julia got out of the truck then she went to the passenger side to help me with Freddie. He was whimpering and muttering things about how something was wrong with the baby and how he felt wrong, I didn't know how to help him- I was an awful fiancé, I wasn't good at helping. His hands shook against the truck while he held on to it, Julia was starting to look scared now and, honestly, I was, too- he wouldn't stop talking about the baby being sick and dying.

"Freddie, breathe through the contractions instead of panicking, please- they'll only hurt more if you don't calm down." I sighed while we walked him through the front doors of the hospital.

"I need to push." My fiancé whined while he squeezed Julia's hand- maybe we should've left the house earlier.

"I know, baby, but you need to wait until we get a room." I hummed then we walked to the front desk.

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