"Felix, I'm fi-" "Don't you fucking dare say you're fine, because clearly you're not," Felix loudly interrupted me, looking around to see if any of the others had woken up from his voice, which they had not.

"You're definitely not fine," he then continued, his voice quieter than before. "You don't sleep, you barely eat, and on top of that you're probably the one looking after the group the most."

"I'm not looking aft-" I argued, but he cut me off once again. 

"Yeah, you are. You're always watching out for us and I appreciate that, I really do, but isn't it time to look after yourself now?"

I thought about that. I knew he was right: I had been looking out for the group a lot lately, and I blamed myself every time someone got hurt.

After Felix realized I wasn't going to speak up, he signed and gave me a stern look. "Listen, if you're not going to look after yourself, I'm going to. You need to get your shit together, dude."

"I don't need your help," I mumbled, looking at the ground.

"Cry.." He stepped toward me, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Please. Let me help you."

I shook my head, shrugging his hand off. He can't just barge into my life like this. I never even would've met him if I hadn't gotten attacked by that stupid dog! I just wished I could go back to not knowing about this group. Not caring about them. I wanted to go back to being alone without having to worry about others. I couldn't deal with this — with all of this!

"Just leave me alone, dude! It's none of your business! I want you to get out of my fucking life!" I screamed, and right when I did, a loud explosion came from somewhere upstairs. Everyone startled awake — whether it be from my voice, the explosion or both — and looked at the ceiling in shock. Entoan jumped up from his mattress and stormed upstairs without giving us as much as a single glance. It was then that I remembered I wasn't wearing my mask and I quickly turned away before anyone could get a good look at my face, focusing on a crack in the wall.

"What was that? What is going on?" Scott's sleepy voice came from somewhere behind me. I heard multiple footsteps and I heard Jack's heavy breathing.

"What's happening?" he muttered quietly and I heard Mark comfort him. This probably reminded everyone of when we were in that city and the bombs started going off.

"I think a trap just went off," Snake said. "Let's go upstairs to talk to Entoan and Dlive."

I heard more footsteps as some of them ran after Entoan, and I dared to peek over my shoulder to see who was still here. Apart from Felix, Russ and Scott, everyone had gone upstairs. I quickly turned away again.

"Has anyone seen my mask?" I asked almost inaudiably. They shuffled around for a bit and I felt a tap on my shoulder, so I held out my hand. Someone — I believe Scott — handed me my mask and I quickly put it on, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Is everything alright?" Scott asked cautiously when I had turned back around, looking between me and Felix, who was looking hurt. I ignored the guilty feeling that suddenly appeared and nodded.

"Yeah. We should check out that explosion." 

Scott gave me a nod and, after looking between me and Felix again, went upstairs, not wanting to further dig into this subject. I followed him, pretending not to notice the worried glances Russ was giving me.

When we pushed open the door to the main room, we saw everyone standing near the small window in the wall. Dlive had climbed up a chair to reach it and was peeking through, scanning the outside. The sun had already risen, but the fog prevented us from actually seeing anything apart from the street next to the base.

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