Chapter 38

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                I stood outside the door for what felt like a long time, before taking a breath. My eyes were darting back and forth between the light and the corner I had just turned.

                “Lucia...” The voice called out again.

                Jesse! It was Jesse!

                Swiftly I ran in, my eyes squinting against the florescent light. “Lucia!” He called.

                I reached one hand out, while hiding my eyes with the other. Fingers intertwined with mine, as I took a step deeper into the room. Suddenly I felt a tug and soon arms were around me. My eyes widened as I felt soft hair against my cheeks.

                “Where were you?” He half laughed, half cried.

                I chuckled. “Running...”

                Then out of nowhere, Jesse let out a chest clenching cough. He pulled away from me and turned his back, as I watched helplessly. Taking a step closer I reached for his shoulder, only to have him step further away.

                “Jesse, are you still...” I whispered.

                He shook his head, coughs still escaping him.

                As he slowly stopped and began to turn back, my heart stopped. His face was pale and his eyes tired. What was worse was the fact that there were Kleenexes, stained with blood on the night stand by a bed.

                Only then did I realize how small the room was, and what little furniture I saw. “Whose room is this?” I asked.

                He cleared his throat. “That one man...uh...”

                “Neil...” I whimpered.

                Jesse looked up at me, reaching for my elbow. I shook my head.

                “I have to go.” I said. “We have to go.”

                With a swift nod and a firm grasp to my hand, Jesse led me out of the room.

                “We need to find the uh...the uh...” I stammered.

                His eyes searched mine as I tried my hardest to remember where to go.

                “Right, third, left....right, third, left....left...left....”

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