Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

                I stared at the wall parallel from my bed. Thoughts were running to my head as the water ran in the bathroom. What was I going to say to Lucifer tomorrow? Oh hey, I thought you should know I let one of the dead out, here his name is Jesse, I'm sure you've met!

                I closed my eyes tight, but slowly opened them when I heard the door move. I could hear Jesse's heavy, clumsy footsteps make their way to the bed. When I spotted his hand graze against the empty pillow beside me, I reached for it stopping him. I couldn't just let him sleep on the ground after being crammed in that urn. Even if he didn't know where he was, it just didn't seem fair.

                "It's okay," I said out loud. "Just climb in."

                I assumed he shook his head for he still stood at the side of the bed.

                "Come on, we're already in hell anyways."

                When I heard a small chuckle from him I shuffled my body over to make room. Thankfully the bed was big enough to occupy two people without having them touch. As soon as he was fully down, all I could see was his face.

                "What happened?" I whispered.

                He shut his eyes for a moment. "I don't know, what happened to you?"

                I shrugged. "I went to an elevator."

                "An elevator," He mumbled. "Me too!"

                I muffled a laugh. "Oh yah?"

                "Yah, there was this man and then he had shown me to an elevator. Then there were those buttons, and soon I ended up in some hallway..."

                I stayed silent watching his eyes as it wandered the room, almost trying to recreate the scene.

                "I decided to take a look around you know? And then some man found me, he was tall and creepy, but he was kind. He showed me to another man, he looked like the CEO of something. He didn't tell me his name though, but he said he was showing me to my room."

                My heart went out to the poor soul, he didn't know he would be sent to his actual own room, soon.

                "Them before I knew it, I ended up somewhere dark. I was so lost...I didn't- I couldn't- I was..." Suddenly I heard his voice shake, his eyes became glossy. I stretched my hand over grabbing his shoulder. But he continued. "It was so cold in there too, I could hear things outside though. Or what I assumed was outside. I could hear the others in their spaces scream, or call out. I could only guess that they were in the same place I am, but you know, on their own and all.

                "I also heard what I hoped was the door that man led me too. It was a small swift sound, and then footsteps. I heard what I thought were fingers grazing close by, and then the dark world around me shook! But then it stopped and it was all still. The footsteps went away..."

                The night Neil told me where Lucifer was.

                "And then you came..."

                I smiled at him. I couldn't imagine how hard that must have been; being stuck in dark oblivion. "Why did you come here Jesse?"

                He looked at me, his eyes unsure of my question. "What do you mean?"

                "The had a choice."

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