Burning The Treaty

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Kari held the square treaty in her hand. Size of a packet of sugar but much more vital than sugar, it was life, she held the humans and creatures very existence in her hands. Turning it over and over in her hand she looked at the humans, Tucker and Claire. Smiling Kari glided over gracefully to Tucker. 

"Do you know what this is?" Kari asked Tucker as a teacher would ask one of her student's in an oral pop quiz. 

Tucker never flinching thought of Mr. Cattatorie answering with confidence "I am assuming that is the treaty?"

Kari smirked in disappointment she had wanted Tucker to get it wrong. "Yes, it WAS the treaty." Kari said sourly. 

"Was?" Claire spoke with dread tinted with curiosity.

Kari smiled too sweetly at Claire "of course, you know very well Claire, this is going to burn down." 

Claire sucked out most of her air and her hands shook slightly "no, you promised, never again."

Kari laughed and the roundness of the moon became a rectangle of jarring black lights "foolish humans, you think you can change your minds yet nature can not?" 

shaking her head in disbelief as if she was explaining the simplest idea to a child Kari continued " you humans judge each other, most refuse to live in peace, every single one of you creatures disrespect me and all the elements on a daily basis, yet I am suppose to help you exist?" 

Tucker spoke up loudly then almost shouting "Yes you are, and you will" 

Kari twirled the belt to her robe catching the attention of the wolves who started to drool beside her "babies, don't worry." she blew them a kiss. 

"Tucker that is not ever going to work with me." Kari looked over at him scolding him with her eyes of cool fires. 

"Listen and keep quiet or I will burn it down right now with nothing for you to do but watch it go up in smoke and see everything you love and everything you hate get destroyed." Kari held no bluffing in her facial expression, she was serious and they all knew it. 

Clasping her hands together knowing she had them where she wanted them Kari closed her eyes and felt the elements speak to her core. 

"my power is no match for your wits, you will listen to me and what you must do to survive, you and your creatures, people, all living beings as you now exist." Kari said matter of factly. Pleased seeing both Tucker and Claire nod in agreement. 

"sacrifices did not work, not one of the people who seen those boys go up in flames got the right message." Kari got a bit angry at this realization but had soon calmed down since. 

Kari looked from Claire to Tucker "give me your best guesses what that was suppose to have shown?"

Tucker answered immediately "how powerful you are?"

Claire thought about it for awhile and finally said "that we are connected to each other, one life can save another?"

Kari mumbled more to herself than anyone else "completely missed the point altogether."  

standing above the moon witches Kari spoke as if directly to them "If you can't figure out the message you will not figure out the meaning of life. You will waste all your time not ever knowing the purpose of why you were ever created."

Kari looked at all of them and said "Very well, its too sad even for me, the moon who is made of craters of cemented ice to accept. I will burn this treaty down and build another one. For my last time. All who survive, find the meaning of life in your lifetime or you will not have an eternity to go to, you will be no more and you will have no people, creatures or things with heartbeats, existence for your kinds will done with, over, not even a two second memory in time."

Standing in the center of the round moon's shell Kari held the treaty in her rocky palm and crushed it watching it burst into flames. Smiling at the glorious bright burning heat in her spirit. She enjoyed every crisp moment as long as she could not caring about the wolves, witches, humans or creatures only enjoying her power, love, her purpose, as the world got darker than it ever had before. Only one had not survived.

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