No Way Back

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May 18, 2016
Tucker took his first tentative steps into the woods, his boots crunching loudly onto the leaves. In the distance he hears an owl hoot. The further he travels deeper into the woods the tighter Tucker's chest becomes, the hairs on back of his head already feels like pine needles sticking out, tickling his skin with apprehension. Damn he thinks, they had almost made it back to grandma's house, why couldn't Benson of just held it a little bit longer!

The brightest light shined down on Tucker once he got to the huge tree with little white buds the size of tennis balls growing out from the center. Trying to shade the light with his hands Tucker looked up and seen that the sun was the light source, full and huge in the clear white sky. A sudden thought popped into his mind, the sun must be lonely, it was way above everything and everyone, looking down and watching but really not a part of anything. Shining a light to be seen, but how many people really appreciate the sun? Shaking his head he knew that he was really drunk now, to be thinking like that!!

Benson woke up in a windowless room, pitch black, lying down on something hard. Hearing a noise in the distance similar to talking caused him to raise up a bit too fast, so Benson started swaying and reached for something in the dark to hold on to which was he found a fuzzy soft thing in the corner. At that same moment he clutched on to the marshmallow object a door opened and in the doorway of his room was an elderly lady surrounded by a neon green light.

Benson studied the woman of short frame, noticing how her shoulder length crimpy curls was a mixture of silver and white, shiny and bouncy as she walked towards him he also noticed she smelled of cocoa and her skin was an ivory shade like a lush rich coconut milk. She was beautiful.

"Hello" Benson said with a crooked smile until Isadora gently pushed him down back onto the hard surface which he could now see thanks to Isadora's light was a bench.

"Tsh lala meno Isadora" Isadora said with a warm little smile from her pink laced looking lips.

"Umm yeah, sorry I don't speak your language, My friend is waiting for me, I have to go meet up with him." Benson said looking at Isadora's strong arms that were holding him down.

Isadora shook her in a no causing what looked like feathery glitter to go all over the room and she pointed to Benson's left knee.

Benson for the first time felt the heated ache on his kneecap from the knot that was as big as a basketball , puffed up and heavy. In despair not knowing what to do , he put his hands in his face and started sobbing.

Isadora patted Benson on the back comforting him and in a soothing voice said "ta dada nah mono" to which he took to mean its gonna be alright but he didn't believe it for a second.

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