Laverne & Theracota's Bargain

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May 14, 2016

"Great work Thera, you scared her off stupid witch" Laverne growled ferociously depressed Trina had woken up so soon, way too soon for her liking, she always enjoyed Trina's company but especially basked in the companionship now, here in limbo.

Spending an eternity strapped to Theracota's hip was not in the least amusing to Laverne. They had gotten on well together in the cottage but at least there was the animals when she had too much of Theracota's royal attitude, and later, well, later on, Blaine had given her all the distraction she needed to deal with the over valued, clingy and naive witch she had been destined to share her space and time with not only while she was living but now apparently since she was unliving as well, ugh. Sometimes she wondered if this was death and not limbo, but she pushed it aside, no it was in the cards, she had read it herself and the cards never lied.

Theracota raised an eyebrow "well at least I put the idea out there, instead of coddling a grown woman like she was three years old." bitterness laced Theracota's words, she was frustrated thinking of the triplets and how close they were to destroying all the good that had been done many years ago. "I can't believe that we get to watch all this mess and not be able to do a thing about it! How could Hell be any worse than this?!?" Fire danced in her eyes.

"Calm down, all we need is for you to evoke a stranger up here, like that confused boy at the gas station." Laverne warned Theracota speaking about Tucker and thinking back to the night they had evoked him accidentally trying to evoke the car rental guy instead. That had been Tucker's first night he had spent under his grandmother's roof, which proved to be a good excuse to dream of a wolf witch and a moon witch, strange surroundings bringing with it overactive imaginations.

Theracota blushed "I took care of it, at least we still have our magic up here, thank goodness for that. He won't remember anything and if he does it will just be a "crazy dream" to him."

Sighing with a deep breath Laverne whispered more to herself "If only this was all a dream for us, to wake up in safe arms and just have nothing to do but love." Thinking of Blaine now filled her with warmth and a burning that never had been put out no matter how hard she had tried, and she had tried with all her strength, love proved to be stronger.

Rolling her eyes Theracota remained silent. Yes, Theracota missed Eamon greatly, he was not hers to take but she had taken him anyway. Blaine she was tied to Theracota with the branches of her family tree that weaved wickedly grabbing her by the waist and holding her captive. However Laverne's love for Blaine had saved her lots of heartache and they made a bargain, an agreement to switch sides, in secret. For the life or non life of her Theracota smiled at her joke, she could not understand how Laverne could love such a pitiful and hateful man as Blaine... but of course she kept him under her claws, and he was different with her, respected Laverne in a way he had never respected Theracota. No jealousy filled Theracota's heart, it only held gratefulness and love for her wolf that was not really hers but she did love him so, her hero, her grumpy but compassionate creature she had been infatuated with ever since he had healed her from the outside, all the way to the inside of her most sacred places she had never known existed.

Laverne said a bit more louder looking at Theracota "We will get them back."

Theracota noticed the rigidness of Laverne's strong but beautiful shoulders and smiled "Yes, we will."

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