The Elements

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Their is four...Water, Fire, Earth & Air. Those are the elements, very powerful and fragile all at the same time. Their power comes from schedules, rules of nature and obedience of man or animal to respect the laws, to respect nature in it's very essence of being the mystery of creations, of life itself.

Water is more than the cool sip of relief on a hot summer day.
Water is feminine, it has healing powers and also an element of emotion, ruled by emotions. The raging storms often come from anger pent up inside lost souls, that cry out cursing nature as if she's a bother or trouble to them...very dangerous, very stupid to curse that which heals us but it often happens and many have died under the current of water's wrath.

Fire is more than a flame flickering on a candle,it both creates and destroys but also controls our passion. When people speak of a fire inside them talking of desires of love or lust little do they know its true. Love creates, Anger destroys but both are passions ruled by fire. If there at anytime is more hate than love the world will slowly start to destruct.

Earth is more than the ground you walk upon, while its beneath you it will be a thousand more times stronger than you will ever grow to be. Earth demands respect, it smiles with joy when flowers, crops and trees are planted into its meaty flesh but recoils in anger when we disrespect it with chemicals, it really hates that, and Earth has a ferocious temper, often not seen but felt quaking under us.

Air, ahh that wonderful inhalation we all greedily take in after a good also is the idea bringer, the invisible line of communication. Have you ever felt light headed and confused? Then took a few deep breaths and find your mind start to clear? Have you ever meditated and got excited over an idea that popped into your mind?? Thought it was the quietness right?? No it was the steady breathing. Pollution makes us all very daft, the smoke from the chemicals and plants we breathe in our lungs, the vehicles we drive or ride in destroying the very thing we need to make any sense of this confusing atmosphere.

Over a build up of time of abusing the earth its inhabitants will experience life altering changes, these are warnings, meant to be taken seriously. The moon will change, peoples passions will change, family against family, the word peace will be forgotten, wars will begin, earth will make storms of disaster, people will suffocate and have trouble concentrating...the list goes on and the next pieces of this story you will find out how in 1890 the people and animals all worked together and saved the earth... But it happens again because us inhabitants often forget to learn from our history and end up making the same mistakes our ancestors have done in the past.

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