The Crescent Treaty

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June 14, 1896

Six years of learning, long years of getting things wrong then right, Claire stood there looking at her wolves, now only four of them. Laverne, Eamon, Earlene, all gone to limbo while the kids who were not really wolves or humans or witches all played in the water splashing. The new breed of beings.

Sable one of the surviving full breed wolves no longer a child but a teen raised an eyebrow up at Claire "how are we going to protect them?"

Ivy chased her little fox around the trees going out a bit too far for Claire's liking "Ivy, get your buns back here now!" Claire yelled so loud it shook the earth. Inadvertently she looked up at the moon, the light glowing yellow, healthy, as if nothing had ever happened.

Claire turned back to Sable " we can't protect them forever, but we can for as long as this is obeyed." holding in her hand the treaty of which the moon witches who had in fact won the battle had offered. Her shoulders easing when she seen Ivy pick up her pet fox and take it back to her cottage.

Sable remained silent for a long while thinking of Theracota and Laverne. Two women bound together in many ways but none more than love. A loved that saved them and their kids, yet destroyed most of everything else, well, love didn't destroy the victims of the battle, but hate for the love did, which is kind of the same thing.

"The people who come after us won't understand, we have to teach these kids while they are young." Sable murmured. "How can we do that without some kind of recollection of the wrongs and the rights?"

"I know what you are saying my dear, its clearly forbidden." Claire turned at the sound of her husband's voice, Nigel.

Sable rolled her eyes up at Nigel, the scholar who was a show off and know it all was how she seen him. "just cause the last six years of records was burned doesn't mean they can't be rewrote."

"you want me to go into limbo don't you?" Nigel said arms crossed. He was well aware that Sable was jealous of his and Claire's love for each other.

"I can write it." Sable said defiantly. Anger heating up her cheeks.

Nigel laughed. Claire scowled.

"I can, don't laugh at me dumbass." Sable  said through clenched teeth.

"both of you stop fighting!" Claire said scowling deeper. "No one is going to write anything. The people who come after us are all going to have to find out the way we did, by listening to the elements, coming together and saving themselves."

Claire gave a long look at both Nigel and Sable "lets go home, the sun is almost risen"

It was a short walk back home but just long enough in silence for Sable to map out a plan and a way to give clues to the ones who would need it in the future. She was a wolf, wanting to insure the next battle fought would be won by her own not the moon witches. She was going to make sure of it in fact. Nigel or Claire did not even have to know about it.

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