The Messenger

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June 28, 1890

Claire Depot was a runaway, her mother had beaten her one last time, two days ago, then passed out in the floor. Walking with tear stained cheeks and a bruised jaw is how Claire made her way to Crescent City. Her tired legs welcomed her home. She sat down on the curb of the street and looked around, the moon was out. It looked odd Claire thought to herself, was it a deep pink? And what was those etched arrows moving around it doing? Then Claire experienced her first earthquake, gasping her feet splayed out in front of her and she held onto the dirt road as it crumbled under her fingers. The earthquake lasted 15 seconds but that was the longest 15 seconds of Claire's life. It didn't frighten her, it excited her. A feeling deep in her stomach started slowly aching a burn inside her and she liked feeling the heat.
"It's over, you can get up now" a deep voice boomed into the lone night, covered in fog. The only thing Claire could see about this man who appeared out of nowhere was his reddish brown bare feet. The toenails of each toe of his was the purest shade of Ivory that Claire had ever seen.
Slowly Claire gripped the curb of the road again and gathered the strength to rise on shaky legs. Her hands and face were smudged with dirt, streaks here and there.
"Who are you?" Claire asked curiously.
Smiling showing Ivory teeth that were thick and square on the bottom except for two thin, pointy teeth right in front Miguel said flirty " Miguel, wolf from espana" and bowed dramatically.
Claire now noticed the Latin flare in his voice, it had been so faint she hadn't picked up on it at first. He must have lost most his accent while living here she mused over in her mind. "Wolf?" She repeated thinking she heard wrong.
Shaking his head yes, growling faintly , Miguel asked "The bigger question is , newcomer, who are you?"
Claire thought Miguel had mental issues, but answered him anyways "Claire, woman from langley,."
Miguel walked over to Claire and began to sniff her, starting at her feet he bent down on all fours actually resembling an animal but still in his human form. It tickled but Claire didn't dare move for fear of what this crazy man may do. When he started sniffing her stomach Miguel placed a hand over her belly button and that is when Claire seen the dark gray sharp claws. He gently poked his index claw slightly in the belly button and the heat of earlier flourished even more growing from a spark to wildfire.
Miguel drew out his claw, licked her wound he had created til it healed and smiled up at her "well, I have been waiting for you! We all have. Follow me, Messenger."
Claire didn't have time to ask him what he meant, Miguel swiftly ran in the direction of a wooded area and Claire never once hesitated to follow him. So It begins, the new moon starting to form, the pink hue changing to orange.

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