Crescent Daughters

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June 20, 1885

Theracota with two bare feet set off running with her emotions driving her in a new direction, flying on the ground, her toes clipping the ground swiftly. Unthinking about anything except getting away from her mate, Blaine, and his hateful words that were burning a hole in her heart.

Theracota had not realized she had gone too far until it was too late. Her eyes mesmerized by the glowing rose red river, her tired body flopping down on the dewy grass, stretching from her head to her toes, lying on her stomach peering into the waters she had been warned to never go searching for, well she wasn't searching Theracota told herself, she came upon it by accident. Half afraid and the other half of her falling in love with the peaceful movement of the constant, steady stream, in a trance she took her left hand and put it into the waters expecting to feel coolness but instead she brought her hand back with a jerk and seen little burn blisters forming on her skin.

Backing up from the river Theracota started saying a healing spell "quema se ha ido de me piel. Bendito sea yo, sanarme." repeating the chant over and over again. Never taking her eyes off her steaming hand that throbbed and ached.

Eamon watched in the woods through a peephole in his favorite tree, with his lemonade eyes that had been glowing ever since the moon was proudly displayed, front and center in the night sky. Smelling her scent he recognized the smell of a moon witch, a crescent daughter and growled softly. Transforming back to his half human state so he could speak to her he stepped out from behind the tree, pleased she had stopped her chanting and smiled wickedly up at her " your spell's don't work here Moon Witch."

May 10, 2016

Vanitish woke up gasping and flinging herself out of bed,  hurriedly opening her bedroom door, running smack into her twin, Agnes that had woken up first.

Agnes with her worried face flushed with anger spoke first "Did you?"

Before Agnes could finish the sentence Vanitish replied gravely "Yes" and smirked.

Agnes softly "oh, no! Here we go again."

Both Vanitish and Agnes went upstairs searching three empty beds where their younger siblings were suppose to be sleeping, the troublemakers of their coven.

Agnes said sweetly "you better go get Trina."

Vanitish cocked up her right eyebrow "Nope, It's your turn."

Agnes crossed her arms across her chest " I got her the last time, remember last week when they went off with those boys from out of town?"

Vanitish was getting ready to smartly retort back to Agnes but Trina stepped into the room before she could, and put up her hand stopping both the twins from speaking anymore.

"Don't fight, Sisters. Let's not waste time, the longer they are running wild out there the more chaos they will create." Trina pointed out the window.

Ten minutes later all three Moon Witches of the Bovalt Coven began making there way to finding their trouble making sisters, following the moon's path, ignoring the howling of the wolves in the distance.

coming soon "Trouble Always Comes In Three's"

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