Gains & Losses

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August 5, 1890

Babbette and Opal stood outside the border of the woods looking up at the sun. All was quiet.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Opal whimpered looking up at Babbette. Opal felt odd like stepping over the line meant stepping into a pit of flames.

"Don't be a baby. I feel her so strong. I know Theracota is in there." Gulping down a knot of fear in her throat, Babbette made her way inside the crescent woods.

Claire felt pin needles on the back of her neck prick up as she was folding clothes with Earlene.

"What's wrong?" Earlene growled worriedly up at Claire.

Dropping the bed sheet she had been touching Claire turned pale, not answering Earlene. Claire was having her first sighting.

"Witches...They're here" Claire said in a chant over and over.

Earlene gaped her mouth open "What?" And looked around her suspiciously. "Where?"

Claire's eyes while in the trance were large, round, shiny, orbs. It bordered along the lines of being fascinating and terrifying. Just as soon as it happened in a minute's time it was over and Claire's eyes returned to normal.

"Where what?" Claire said smiling not remembering the trance or feelings of doom at all.

"Where are the witches?" Earlene pronounced each word angrily. Claire was trying her patience. Secretly Earlene had fantasied many ways of doing away with Claire. Even once drowning her in the river of life's treasons up north. However she decided to hold out til they were all saved then get rid of her, for good.

"I don't know what your talking about" Claire said with a laugh. "I don't even know what witches look like. Just humans and wolves are all I see here." With a wink Claire went back to folding the clothes, ignoring Earlene's look of loathing.

Opal stumbled on a broken tree branch and lost her balance falling to the ground. "Ugh, this ground is soaked and it hasn't rained for a week! Weird"

"Quit complaining we don't have time for that now" Babbette said walking over to her sister and pulling her up.

They never seen Blaine propped up against the huge oak tree til he said "well, now what do we have here?"

Opal's cheeks turned a bright pink "Blaine" she squealed in an excited whisper her bottom half soaked with the dew of the moon she raced over to Blaine as he wrapped his arms around her in a warm hug.

Babbette with a concerning look made no move to greet what she considered a vile wretched warlock with a hug, and got straight to it, asking "Where is my sister?"

Smiling wickedly at Babbette and unsnaking his arms out of Opal's embrace he replied "she is coming, just wait til you see her" then he laughed

Babbette stare of hatred at Blaine quickly diminished to surprise as Theracota holding arms lovingly around Eamon and Laverne trailing behind with a wooden wheeled baby carrier was bringing two babies that was as different as the sun and moon.

There was gains and losses here for The Moon Witches Of Crescents and The Outcasted Wolves. One of the gains was the moon that seemed to be healing ....growing new rock formation in a healthy glowing color ....but why??

Find out next in the final piece of part Three ..coming soon

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