Dangerous Decisions

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June 14, 2016

Olga awoke for the first time alone, without her sister's beside her. She stretched lazily and looked out the window of The Spark's little house. She heard a soft knock on the door and cheerfully said "come in!"

Sepheria Spark, an elderly Pentdustioan came in the room with a wobble on her short, thick legs. Her hair pulled back into a bun to hide her long mane was all dark brown without one single gray hair even though she was nearly 300 years old. "Hello dear, did you sleep well?" Sepheria said and set down a steaming plate of hot food, looked like oatmeal and berries. Along with a glass of orange juice.

Olga blushed slightly then because she thought of her sister's and wondered if they had slept at all or spent the whole morning looking for her. She had went astray from the path they had each agreed upon taking, following that hollow voice in the distance and then rushing to Dusty's side saving little Norm. Now Olga smiled thinking of the little, curious, cute as a doll, fairy child. "I slept great, how is Norm? Sore?? Is he up yet?"

Sepheria bit her lip with concern " he seems to be good, taking him to get checked for internal injuries today as a precaution though."

Sepheria was Norm's grandma, from his mom's side, her daughter Fantisha had went to the nether world two years ago and Sepheria had agreed to help dusty take care of little Normy as she called him. She often wished Norm had a mother figure to look after him she was too old to look after a young one. Out of the corner of her eye she watched Olga eat the mush with a healthy appetite, thought of how well Olga and Norm got along and smiled. Maybe a witch wouldn't make a bad mom...she would try her out and see. Olga smiled back unknowingly.

Bertha awoke from an hour of sleep filled with determination to find Olga. At first she thought maybe she had gotten kidnapped or had been laying hurt, or even dead somewhere. After searching most of the early morning hours, with plenty of time to think of how Olga's attitude had been changing lately. Even before the trio had set off into the woods Bertha had felt Olga and her desire to break off into her own life, never for once thinking that she would act upon it though.

Letisha began to snore as Bertha woke her up with a hard shove to her shoulder "whhatttt!" She whined and turned over.

Bertha with her voice filled with authority said "time to look for Olga again."

Letisha sat up licking her lips. "We have looked everywhere 3 times over already!" Secretly Letisha hoped they didn't find Olga, Letisha loved Olga, they had always shared secrets together, feelings that they knew Bertha wouldn't understand. Lethisa was proud of Olga for having the courage for once, even if she would miss her terribly. Which is why when Bertha walked ahead of her on the same trail yesterday she smiled big and bright, whispering a prayer they didn't find Olga at all.

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